Motivational Magic Magazine #22 (February 2025)

by | Feb 22, 2025 | Motivational Magic eZines | 0 comments

Every epic tale begins with a hero who doesn’t yet know their true power. Think of Luke Skywalker, a farm boy who believed he was nobody special. Remember Frodo Baggins, who thought he was just a simple hobbit from the Shire. Consider Miles Morales, questioning if he could ever live up to the Spider-Man legacy. These characters all share something profound with you – they had to discover their innate worth wasn’t in their abilities, but in who they fundamentally were.

In our quest for personal growth, we often confuse two distinct forces: self-confidence and self-worth. Think of self-confidence as your character’s skill tree – the abilities you level up through experience and practice. It’s like Harry Potter mastering spells or Tony Stark building better Iron Man suits. These skills are valuable, but they’re external upgrades.

Self-worth, however, is your character’s core stats – the fundamental starting values unchanged by equipment. It’s like the Force flowing through every living thing, or the intrinsic value of a soul in Phillip Pullman’s universe. You don’t earn it. You don’t level it up. You simply recognize it was there all along. 

This is your foundation and yes, we can rebuild it!

Your Morning Motivation

This section will be a thought to help you set yourself up for a more purposeful day. It can be a very simple thing to add a bit of focused intention to your day.

How to use this section:

  • Pick one thing to focus on today. I’ll make a suggestion below, but it can be whatever is right for you.
  • Write it down somewhere you’ll see it several times a day. Bonus if you add in why you chose it and how it will make a change in your day/life.
  • Set a timer on your phone, 4x today to look at your intention.
  • At the end of the day write down how it went, what did you notice, and what you might want to try tomorrow.

After reading through the main article below, start to consider these statements: 

 “I might be worthy because I exist, just like that tree exists.”

“I could be worthy because I’m human, just like that baby is worthy.”

“Perhaps I don’t need to earn worth, just like the ocean doesn’t.”

Keep your mind open and positive, gently breathing slowly and deeply. 

Article of the Month

In The Year of Magical Living group, we have been exploring self worth, how it’s different from self confidence, and how we can shift any lack into an abundantly loving self worth foundation.

To start off gently exploring self worth, it can be helpful to contemplate these thoughts and questions. I call this “Sherlocking.” 

This framework is designed for my clients who struggle deeply with the concept of inherent worth. Rather than starting with personal self-worth (which can feel impossible for many), we begin with some external observations and gradually build inward. 

Each stage should be fully explored before moving to the next! 

Extra credit for journaling your thoughts. You may be really surprised when you do! Stay kind and curious with yourself, as always. There are no right or wrong answers. It’s purely self exploration to see what’s inside! 

Stage 1: Worth in Others

Exercise: The Baby Exercise

Think of a baby you know or have seen.

  • Does this baby need to earn their right to exist?
  • What makes them worthy of love and care?
  • Do they need to achieve anything to deserve nurturing?
  • If they cry or make mistakes, does it diminish their worth?

Exercise: The Loved One Perspective

Think of someone you love deeply:

  • What makes them inherently valuable to you?
  • If they lost their job/status/achievements, would you love them less?
  • When they make mistakes, does their worth diminish?
  • What would you say to them if they felt worthless?

Integration Questions:

  • What makes you sure of their worth?
  • How do you know they deserve love and care?
  • What’s the difference between their worth and their achievements?

Stage 2: Worth in Nature

Exercise: The Tree Meditation

Observe a tree (in person, photo, or imagination):

  • Does it need permission to grow?
  • Does it need to prove its right to exist?
  • When it loses leaves, is it less worthy?
  • Does it need to produce perfect fruit to deserve its place?

Exercise: The Elements Explorer

Consider these natural elements:

  1. The Ocean
    • Does it apologize for its depth?
    • Must it justify its waves?
    • Is it less worthy in a storm or calm?
  2. The Sun
    • Does it need credentials to shine?
    • Must it earn the right to give warmth?
    • Is it diminished by clouds?
  3. A Mountain
    • Does it need to be the tallest?
    • Must it prove its right to take up space?
    • Is it less worthy if eroded?

Integration Questions:

  • What makes nature’s worth so obvious to us?
  • Why don’t we question its right to exist?
  • What would nature say about earning worth?

We will keep going next month! Read on to learn how to get these updates delivered directly to your email inbox.

WATCH PARTY Announcement!

We are watching a horror film called Decade of the Dead on Feb. 23rd at 11am.

Ten years after a zombie outbreak, A group of survivors finds refuge with a tropical island community to discover a zombie worshiping cult with plans to rule the post-apocalyptic wasteland.

I HATE zombies! So the only way I’ll watch this is with you all!

Victoria from our group worked on the special effects makeup, and because I love her I’ll watch this. BUT I need you with me!


If you are in the Magical Living community Talisman or above we will be sending you the link.

If you’d like to become a Talisman’s Apprentice and enjoy all the perks of that level of membership, please read more about it here:

As a Talisman Apprentice, you have a unique opportunity to build confidence, overcome challenges, and achieve success while being supported by a community of like-minded enthusiasts. Let me share with you some practical strategies that will help you along the way. 

The Talismans have access to our exclusive community at an easy and accessible level of membership to our super fun community of nerds and personal development enthusiasts.

 “You really change my understanding of my relationship to my feelings. One of the most consequential bits of understanding in my life.

Thank you again.” ~M. F.

What You Get:

Monday Meditations – Giving yourself this time to start the week off with focus and intention creating more happiness and productivity!

Weekly Emails – For a motivation boost!

Exclusive Magical Living Community portal – continuous support from Patricia and other members.

Gaming Guild – For FUN!

Watch Parties- For MORE fun!

All for only $7 ~ a large cup of coffee a MONTH! (Who else loves their coffee?)

Join us and invite your friends!

Our Quest Travel Adventures

We are still in New Zealand and currently exploring more of Queenstown on the South Island. I’ve been here several times. Boy, has it grown. I wish we could freeze time but progress has its own life force. 

After we left the Nelson area we journeyed down the east coast. Both coasts are gorgeous and very different. I hadn’t explored this side before. I highly recommend Kaikoura! We stayed in an Airbnb right across the street from the ocean. The house was unremarkable, but the area is fascinating!

We hiked around and watched the NZ fur seals bask safely on the shore, unconcerned with any passersby. I am so happy they are protected. LOTs of silly seal pups playing with each other and bothering sleeping adults. We hoped to see penguins, but they were out to sea, fishing for the day.

I want to get out on the water whenever I can so we joined an Albatross Experience, whatever that meant. I really didn’t care. It sounded intriguing enough. Our trip was only 5 passengers and the skipper, Gary, who is an old salt, with tons of experience and a deep appreciation of the wildlife. The other passengers were serious birders, while Glenn and I are just happy with some fun facts. I like to be able to identify birds and their songs, but that’s about it. Otherwise I just like being in their presence. The Albatross is pretty special. They are HUGE, and famously resilient on the wide open water. They can live for a year or longer, never touching land. They rest on the ocean’s surface and regularly fly through tremendous storms. When they do come to land, they are breeding and raising their babies. I think the oldest mum Albatross is over 60 yrs old and still hatching chicks.

Once we were out 3 miles or so the action began. As if being in a small old boat in healthy 6 foot swells wasn’t some action to begin with. I loved it. Gary went to the stern and opened a box that was hanging off the edge to the starboard side. He pulled out a basketball sized lump of frozen fish guts wrapped in a thick net. This he tossed into the water and I saw it was tied to our vessel by about 10ft of rope, and floated.

We had been followed by Giant Petrels for some time already and some smaller NZ Storm petrels were respectfully filtering in. As soon as we stopped and tossed the fish gut ball overboard, the birds landed and started to try to tear into the ball.

Moments later, the huge Royal Albatrosses were soaring overhead and landing into the ocean next to us. The Giant Petrels backed off and the littler birds just waited down-current for smaller pieces the massive birds didn’t bother with. 

I’ll share more images and videos on my FB page here.

I was amazed the fish gut ball lasted as long as it did! We attracted several species of Albatross including an Antipidean Albatross that got the birders very excited. I found all of it amazing!

The Royal Albatross looks like Sam the Eagle from the Muppets, as far as I am concerned!

We pulled in the ball and went to another location, then cruised around looking at wildlife. Gary spotted fishing little blue penguins!

They are very special, the smallest and only blue penguin. They only live here, in NZ. Glenn and I were super psyched we got to see them in the wild, doing their penguin-ish thing.

I didn’t get a good look since we were all bobbing around like crazy and they are so small. A big blue penguin will be maybe 10” inches tall while most are smaller. They are blue on top and white on the tummy to hide them from predators above and below the sea.

Glenn and I saw over 80 of them at the Blue Penguin Experience in Oamaru. There are bleachers set up near where they come back from a day of fishing and head to their nests. They are very well protected and this gives curious tourists, enthusiasts and school kids an opportunity to meet them without disturbing them. All funds go to support the penguins, the penguin hospital, and the breeding ground land.

We had a remarkable experience!

I’ll tell you more about it next month!

Journal Prompt: 

(Each month I will give you a thought to fire up your mind. Use journaling prompts over and over again and see how the result changes.)

Try setting out a logbook near your coffee pot or on the desk or nightstand, and every day write down something you noticed that caught your imagination. 

Do Little Blue Penguins deserve to have a good life? Why or why not? Do I deserve to love myself and have a good life? Why? What does a good, meaningful life mean to me? 

Member result of the month – Testimonial

Each month we feature results and feedback from one of our Magical Living community members!

Pat, in the 9 years I’ve known you, you’ve helped me to go back to school and take a step out into a new job that’s been the best thing I’ve ever done.” ~ K.


Personal Development books I love:

You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero

High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard

My book Pleasure Thresholds is on Amazon! You can get it here: 

Dark Legacies Double Issue, both autographed!

Get a personal video message from me! 

Babylon 5 Series on Blu Ray HERE:

Babylon 5 : The Road Home (animated- various formats):

❣️We get a little percentage from Amazon when you use our link for shopping. Thank you!

Stay in touch!

Keep in touch with me on social media by clicking the icons below to view my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. There’s lots going on, so make sure to follow/subscribe and say hi!





Follow my Quest Retreats accounts for travel updates and more!




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🤝 If you are interested in chats, games, sci-fi, and a bit of personal development, actor and stuntwoman Patricia Tallman invites you to Join our Magical Living Community!

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You can learn more about me here!

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Patricia, founder of Magical Living

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