I can’t think of a better way to start a new year than by celebrating YOU! We are SO lucky to have you in our community!
And the best way I can thank you, and show my love, is to give you my best. I’m starting 2025 off strong with a wonderful new FREE Masterclass From Overwhelm to Adventure: Your Hero’s Path to Epic Living.

I took the responses from a poll we ran and am bringing you the solutions you requested!
Get your free ticket HERE: https://magicalliving.mykajabi.com/your-heros-path-to-epic-living-webinar
🐉Feeling stuck in overwhelm while your dreams wait?
Join me for a FREE masterclass that turns Overwhelm and ‘stuckness’ into UNSTOPPABLE MOMENTUM! Using proven techniques from Hollywood stunts and neuroscience, you’ll learn:
• How your brain’s “quest systems” actually work
• Why traditional productivity methods keep failing you
• The secret to sustainable motivation
• Your personal roadmap from stuck to unstoppable
🎁 Every participant gets:
• Live interactive experience
• Complete Quester’s Compass Toolkit
• Guided meditations
Only 100 spots available – claim yours now!
Date: January 18th
Time: 10am PT
Where: Zoom
Bonus for attendance. Replay will be available. But come LIVE for your BONUS!
I can’t wait to see you there!
Yours in Adventure,
Your Morning Motivation

This section will be a thought to help you set yourself up for a more purposeful day. It can be a very simple thing to add a bit of focused intention to your day.
How to use this section:
- Pick one thing to focus on today. I’ll make a suggestion below, but it can be whatever is right for you.
- Write it down somewhere you’ll see it several times a day. Bonus if you add in why you chose it and how it will make a change in your day/life.
- Set a timer on your phone, 4x today to look at your intention.
- At the end of the day write down how it went, what did you notice, and what you might want to try tomorrow.
The future you is counting on you not to give up now. When you have strong self-worth and believe you’re enough exactly as you are, you don’t become complacent and lose ambition. The stronger your self-worth is, the less complacent you are, because you’re no longer affected by most of the reasons causing you to stay stuck.
You see the possibilities of what you can achieve! You go for the gusto!
Article of the Month

The Hero’s Journey to Self-Worth
This month, at the start of a fresh year, I am running a new series of masterclasses for the Year of Magical Living Community in Building Unstoppable Self-Worth.
Every epic tale begins with a hero who doesn’t yet know their true power. Think of Luke Skywalker, a farm boy who believed he was nobody special. Remember Frodo Baggins, who thought he was just a simple hobbit from the Shire. Consider Miles Morales, questioning if he could ever live up to the Spider-Man legacy. These characters all share something profound with you – they had to discover their innate worth wasn’t in their abilities, but in who they fundamentally were.
The Two Paths of Power
In our quest for personal growth, we often confuse two distinct forces: self-confidence and self-worth. Think of self-confidence as your character’s skill tree – the abilities you level up through experience and practice. It’s like Harry Potter mastering spells or Tony Stark building better Iron Man suits. These skills are valuable, but they’re external upgrades.
Self-worth, however, is your character’s core stats – the fundamental starting values unchanged by equipment. It’s like the Force flowing through every living thing, or the intrinsic value of a soul in Phillip Pullman’s universe. You don’t earn it. You don’t level it up. You simply recognize it was there all along.
The Common Misquest
Many of us have been playing the wrong game. We’ve been grinding for achievements, collecting accolades like power-ups, thinking if we just get enough external validations, we’ll finally unlock the “Feeling Worthy” achievement. But those temporary buffs will always wear off.
The truth is:
- Self-confidence is your armor rating – it can go up and down based on circumstances.
- Self-worth is your inherent HP – it’s always 100% unless you choose to believe it isn’t.
- Self-confidence asks “Can I do this?”
- Self-worth declares “I am enough, regardless of what I do.”
The Real Final Boss
The greatest battles we face aren’t against external dragons – they’re against the shadows in our own minds that whisper we’re not enough. These shadows manifest as:
- The Fear of Failure (like facing a Boggart that shows us our worst self-doubts)
- The Fear of Rejection (like being afraid we’ll be cast out of our chosen guild)
- The Imposter Syndrome Monster (that tells us we’re just pretending to be heroes)
But here’s the plot twist: These aren’t actually boss fights at all. They’re tutorial messages trying to teach us that our worth isn’t found in winning or losing these battles – it’s in being the player who showed up to play at all!
Your Character Sheet: The Truth About Worth
Imagine if you could see your true character sheet. You’d find that your worth stats were maxed out from the moment you started the game. They’re not something you achieve or earn through side quests. They’re your baseline, your starting point.
Every time you:
- Level up a skill
- Defeat a challenge
- Or even fail a mission
Your worth stats remain unchanged – perfectly, permanently complete.
The True Quest Begins
This journey isn’t about building worth – it’s about removing the fog of war that hides it from your view. It’s about recognizing that like Neo in The Matrix, you’re not learning to be The One – you’re learning to accept that you already are.
As we embark on this quest together, remember: You’re not grinding for worth. You’re not farming for value. You’re not waiting to reach a certain level to be enough.
You are, right now, a legendary soul that simply hasn’t been equipped with the right perspective to recognize its own power.
Ready to begin the greatest side quest of all? The one where you discover you were the legendary hero all along?
Let’s roll the dice! 🎲
Character creation begins now…
Join me on January 18th for our free Masterclass on ‘From Overwhelm to Adventure”! 🐉 https://magicalliving.mykajabi.com/your-heros-path-to-epic-living-webinar
Some Quest Power Mottos for your New Year!
I am resilient and capable of navigating any challenge that comes my way.
Every obstacle is an opportunity for growth and learning.
I trust in my strength and ability to find solutions in difficult situations.
I release my Fear Dragon and embrace my inner power to face challenges with ease.
Our Quest Travel Adventures

We have been in New Zealand since mid October, and love the beauty of this country. Currently we are in Nelson on the South Island. We arrived yesterday after a long day of traveling over the ocean on the Interislander Ferry. Glenn and I reflected on all the ferry journeys we have made! From tiny ‘Huck Finn’ raft ferries with maybe 6 cars crossing a small river in the Daintree, Australia to huge ocean crossings of huge trucks and 100 cars in Scotland, and many in between, it’s always fun and an adventure.
We saw dolphins twice, swimming as fast as they could towards the ferry to race in its wake. Luckily the clouds parted for the day and we had a bright and calm crossing.
While I don’t get sea sick, I do get nervous if the waves are too big, so it was wonderful that it was such a calm day.
I can spend hours watching the ocean and looking for birds and animals in the open water. Along with the dolphins, I did see an enormous albatross taking off by flapping its 3 meter wingspan and running along top of the water to gain ‘air speed velocity’!

The scenery of these inter-island ferry crossings is just stunning. I’m so grateful we had such a sunny day. We woke up today here in Nelson with more pouring rain. *sigh*
But wind and rain is nothing compared to what my friends are going through in Los Angeles. It’s hard to even write this article or focus on my work with all of this tragic loss and fear buzzing in the posts, news and emails with friends.
We have settled in Nelson, and I am prepping for my Masterclass on Saturday (I hope you can attend!) While the weather has been ‘the worst summer in memory’ as some of the residents have said to a German hiker we met, it’s been milder than Wellington!
Windy Wellington lived up to it’s name for the whole 2 weeks we were there. We took walks and went to the beach anyway, where I gathered shells, feathers and driftwood. Then I made some witchy hangings out of them, to justify my horde of beach treasure.

I even made our Christmas tree.
It ended up looking very Blair Witch, but we liked it.
If you want a New Zealand hanging of drift wood and shells and are here in NZ, let me know asap!
The anxiety I have been feeling was soothed by creating these hangings. Curiosity and being creative dissolve anxiety. Being grateful dissolves fear. #BrainFunFacts
I’m working on another one now in between working on my masterclass. It brings out even more creativity and I have more ideas. So if you get stuck, try doing something creative. It doesn’t matter what, and no one has to see it! It is still a magical, alchemical incantation you cast to defeat the darkness that wants to lodge in you.
I have done this in many countries and left behind all of the results of my witchy weavings as offerings to my hosts, but the benefits stay with me.
We will have an adventure in the Able Tasman National Park later this week and I’ll share photos on my social media!
Take care, and happy witchy creative weavings!

To the members of my community, a New Year wish

I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.
Capable, amazing, unique, abundant…
I wish I could give you the gift of peace in your heart,
leaving all darkness so far in the past it is gone forever.
My wish for you is that you are absolutely happy right now,
right where you are,
knowing that your every day
is the gift.
The ‘everyday-ness of the day’
is the gift.
The adventure of finding ‘the best of what we have right now’
is the gift.
Allowing the vastness of you to fill with magic
I can’t wait to see what you’ll come up with next!
Journal Prompt

(Each month I will give you a thought to fire up your mind. Use journaling prompts over and over again and see how the result changes.)
Who would you be if you believed in yourself and that you deserved what you desire, 100%?
What would you do right now? What would you really go for? How would you take care of yourself?
Member result of the month – Testimonial
Each month we feature results and feedback from one of our Magical Living community members!
“I am so happy to see how Pat and company have grown and expanded in ways that will help a lot of people... I took all I learned and made it through some terribly rough times for our family. I can look back and yes, I continued to meditate on my own, the tapping helped too! I also worked to recognize negative behaviors and to keep my life intentions front and center.
…My second book is almost finished, I just published a novella in our series, and have been asked to be the July book of the month for the steampunk community with my co-author. I live in a brand new house where we brought my mother in to live with us to help her out, and it’s been a blessing.“
S. W.

Personal Development books I love:
You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero https://amzn.to/3NaxPgK
High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard https://amzn.to/3oG5O7p
My book Pleasure Thresholds is on Amazon! You can get it here: https://amzn.to/3TUBily
Dark Legacies Double Issue, both autographed! https://b5events.com/store-2/comic-dark-legacies-bundle-autographed-by-claudia-christian/
Get a personal video message from me! https://b5events.com/store-2/a-message-from-patricia/
Babylon 5 Series on Blu Ray HERE: https://amzn.to/3tDABnO
Babylon 5 : The Road Home (animated- various formats): https://amzn.to/47icXe7
❣️We get a little percentage from Amazon when you use our link for shopping. Thank you!
Stay in touch!
Keep in touch with me on social media by clicking the icons below to view my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. There’s lots going on, so make sure to follow/subscribe and say hi!
Follow my Quest Retreats accounts for travel updates and more!
Become a Talisman Apprentice!

New Bonuses Added!
Step into the world of endless opportunities!
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey where the realms of Sci-Fi and Fantasy converge with personal growth and development?
Using my years of experience guiding fellow nerds in personal development workshops & my career as an actor and stunt woman, I will help you bust through the obstacles on your unique journey.
Are you aspiring to build confidence, overcome challenges, and achieve personal and professional success?
Do you like the idea of a fun and supportive new group of friends and enthusiasts who understand your passion and can provide guidance and encouragement?
Are you looking for practical strategies to apply the lessons learned from Sci-Fi and Fantasy stories to your own life?
Could you be seeking personal growth and development beyond the realms of fiction?
As a Talisman Apprentice, you have a unique opportunity to build confidence, overcome challenges, and achieve success while being supported by a community of like-minded enthusiasts.
The Talismans have access to our exclusive, super fun community of nerds at an easy and accessible level.
Click here to start your journey! https://bit.ly/TalismanApprentice
If you are interested in chats, games, sci-fi, and a bit of personal development, actor and stuntwoman Patricia Tallman invites you to Join our Magical Living Community!
The Talisman Apprentice level gives you access to the ML community, Gaming Guild, Watch Parties, and Monday Meditation.
Become a Talisman Apprentice here!
Who is Patricia Tallman?
You can learn more about me here!
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Patricia, founder of Magical Living
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