First I want to invite you to a couple of cool events so please save the dates:
Magical Living Open House with coach and best selling author Anniken Binz on Saturday November 23rd at 10am PT. Registration is Free! Sign up here:
Our Cooking With Claudia Annual Holiday Show on Saturday December 7th at 1pm PT!
Registration starts at $1:
And there’s a VIP option!
We have a Free Trial for the Talisman’s Apprentice level in the Magical Living Community you can claim below. Use the code 2MONTHSFREE at checkout:
I have been thinking about you so much for about 2 weeks now. It’s ALL ABOUT how to help you have the best life possible. Avery and I have been working diligently on a new product with a free workbook we will share in an email coming to your inbox soon. 🙂
I’m also creating a new email series on Anxiety Busting tools. You’ll have new tools and techniques for easing back into a more open state with a calm mind and freer heart.
All will be handed to you in your inbox! I am looking forward to seeing you, in person on Zoom, soon!
Open House with Anniken Binz

What a time we are living. I want to support you in feeling better, subduing the anxiety and fear, and not just surviving but THRIVING.
I have invited Anniken Binz to join us for a Magical Living Open House to share powerful and effective tools and strategies for calmness and strength.
Join the community and learn these simple techniques on Saturday November 23rd at 10am Los Angeles, 1pm New York, 6pm London, 7am Sunday Auckland.
Anniken Binz is a high performance coach, NLP trainer, author, keynote speaker and mother of two. She specializes in how our unconscious patterns drive our thoughts, emotions and behaviors, and how we can perform at a higher level by reprogramming our deepest patterns.
She is now a bestselling author in Norway, and helps thousands of people each year changing habits, building self esteem and creating the life they love. Her book will be available in English in 2025!
I hope you can join us and please forward this to friends and family who might benefit from this coaching!
Register for FREE here:
Your Morning Motivation

This section will be a thought to help you set yourself up for a more purposeful day. It can be a very simple thing to add a bit of focused intention to your day.
How to use this section:
- Pick one thing to focus on today. I’ll make a suggestion below, but it can be whatever is right for you.
- Write it down somewhere you’ll see it several times a day. Bonus if you add in why you chose it and how it will make a change in your day/life.
- Set a timer on your phone, 4x today to look at your intention.
- At the end of the day write down how it went, what did you notice, and what you might want to try tomorrow.
Visualize your day and win your year! Spend 10 minutes box breathing and clearing your mind by focusing on your breath. Then bring to the space between your eyebrow a vision, like your inner movie screen, of your upcoming day. See yourself having a great day, whatever that means to you. Move through the week if you have time, also envisioning how you want it to go. See yourself happy and relaxed, enjoying yourself, having positive emotions. You don’t have to know how you got there. Just see things going well. Before you leave your vision, set the intention to be open to new ideas on achieving your vision.
When you move through your day, take a note on ANY idea you have, no matter how crazy. See how many ideas you can log! Pick some to take action on. Do this every day, for a few minutes, and see what happens by the end of 2024. I’d love to hear about your experience!
Article of the Month

The holidays are here. This year, instead of being overwhelmed, and having the season fly by without hardly even tasting it, let’s choose differently.
How do I even DO that? Every year I try but my best efforts always end up the same!
I am here to help!
I think we see this as being much harder than it actually is. We think simple solutions are not enough to cure us of this huge problem.
Will you trust me enough to try something? (Dang, I hope so!)
You probably already know how to plan ahead, looking at the calendar and blocking in time for the necessities of the holiday season. I think what trips us up is something else.
Forgetting to take a breath, connect and enjoy. No matter what. No matter the schedule that’s gone to hell, or the plans that went tits up.
Wouldn’t it be sweet if we could just not worry and have some appreciation for what’s going right? For feeling the wonder at all we already have?
How do we become present and enjoy in the midst of all this noise?
I have a list of 8 simple, easy things to do to help you remember who you are, how much you have, and how sweet life is.
1. BREATHE: This is always first! Breathe. Focus on the inhale, suspend the breath gently, slowly exhale. Repeat.
Take a few moments to focus on your breath, feeling the air entering and leaving your body. This helps anchor your attention to the present moment and brings a sense of calm and clarity. You can do this anywhere.
2. Thankfulness: Take a few minutes to reflect on what you’re grateful for. It could be as simple as the warmth of the sun on your skin or the laughter of a loved one. By shifting your focus to the present blessings in your life, you’ll naturally stay more present. This is a mutant power you already have.
3. Engage Your Senses: Tune in to your senses and fully immerse yourself in the present moment. Notice the colors, textures, sounds, and smells around you. Engaging your senses brings you into the here and now, allowing you to savor the richness of each experience.
4. Mindful Movement: Moving the body is always helpful but I’m talking specifically about mindful movement practices such as yoga or tai chi. ANY movement can be a practice of staying in the moment. Focus on the sensations in your body, the flow of your breath, and the movements you’re making. You become more attuned to the present moment and develop a deeper mind-body connection. Even 3 minutes can help greatly. Now go put on some music!
5. Let Go of Distractions: Identify the distractions that pull you away from the present moment and consciously choose to let them go. This might mean turning off notifications on your phone and NO social media (oh no!), setting boundaries with work and people who want you to do something, or simply giving yourself permission to disconnect and be fully present in your current activity. It is easier to say that to do, I know! But it’s a MUST DO.
6. Really Listen: Practicing mindful listening in conversations, this can have a profound impact on your ability to stay present throughout the day. Not to mention your relationships. You don’t have to DO anything. You are not to tell anyone what to do, just listen. This is your gift to them and to yourself.
7. Practice Self-Compassion: SOOOOO important, kids! Being present also means being kind to yourself. Cultivate self-compassion by acknowledging and accepting your thoughts and emotions without judgment. Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, just as you would a dear friend. Not to mention it helps you to be way more compassionate to others. The reason you are so hard on others is because you are too hard on yourself.
8. Visualize: How do you want the season to go? Take time every day to imagine things going smoothly. The season, the party, day. Just see yourself and others with smiles on your faces, enjoying each other and the surroundings. See the food, hear the music, really feel into the vision of things going well, Uncle Ralph not getting too drunk, the gifts are happily accepted, the bills are paid, and you are relaxed and peaceful.
This is another mutant power you have. Visualization.
Remember, staying present is a skill that takes practice. So be patient with yourself and celebrate the progress you make along the way. By incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you’ll gradually become more present, leading to a deeper sense of fulfillment and joy.
This is a PERFECT time to start these practices. You’ll experience more satisfaction and peace, and have some sweet memories.
Now go out there and embrace the power of the present moment! And ENJOY!
Our Quest Travel Adventures

Glenn and I are currently in New Zealand. We will be here most likely til March. We arrived in mid October so I could appear at Armageddon Expo in Auckland. I always have a great time at this con, and I was very keen on seeing my Kiwi friends. Bill and Adele Geradts run a spectacular show that attracts very big stars. For example this year the headliner was Jason Momoa. My spirit animal! That’s another story.
Bill always takes his guests on fun day trips, adventures that depend on the location of the event. In Auckland typically this means a trip to Hobbiton. Bill asked me if we wanted to go, because I have been 6 times now. I said YES! It’s a spectacular experience! I have done the evening banquet tour 2x and the day tour 4, now.
Watch this video from 2019 on Instagram!
The land is a hot spot of good vibes on the earth. It is just wonderful being there. Add the incredible sweetness of being in The Shire and it’s an unbeatable, wholesome thing to experience. I mean who doesn’t want to walk around the Shire and visit Bag End? One time I saw a little hedgehog trundling along a Hobbit’s garden! I mean how sweet!!!!! You can hear me squeaking in the video I managed to capture.

This year we were able to do something new. They had opened up 2 Hobbit homes, and it’s AMAZING! I’ll share photos because it’s hard to do the details justice. You can walk around, touch everything, sit on the furniture (a little hard for anyone over 3 and a half feet tall).

I really enjoy going on these trips with the ‘cast’ of the con which usually is the day before the event starts. It’s a chance to meet each other and have a fun day out. Then during the con itself we are already becoming friends. I love that about conventions in general, meeting other actors and making new friends. Travel Info: Hobbiton is about 2.5 hours from Auckland.

The evening banquet tour is the last tour of the day, around sunset. It’s absolutely a must-do in my humble, Hobbit-loving opinion.
When I led my Lord Of The Rings Adventure in 2019 tour for my travel business, Quest Retreats, I took my group on one. The tour starts off like the day tours, with a walk around Hobbiton. But the best thing is you are on the last tour so there isn’t anyone behind you, chivvying you along. Hobbiton is emptying out. It’s more peaceful, and the sun is lower so you have gorgeous colors in the sky.
The lights start to come on in the Hobbit holes. And the Green Dragon is beckoning with music and lights. Every tour ends at the Green Dragon with a complimentary drink: beer, cider, tea and coffee. For the banquet tour, you’re just getting started. While you relax inside or out, enjoying your beverage and the sights, playing with Skittles the Pub Cat, you can smell something delicious!

They close off part of the Inn to set up longer tables. And when they pull back the curtain, you can’t help but go OOOOHHHH!!!!!
The tables groan with the weight of a feast! I won’t spoil it but omg you can’t eat enough! There’s plenty for any diet, vegan, veg, gluten free, fish and meat. Bread and cheese, and gorgeous veggie sides. And just when you are about to burst they bring out…the dessert board! A selection of treats you just can’t believe. A whole huge board of them!

Honestly even dwarves couldn’t eat their way through it all.
I may have a few photos of our dinner but I was too busy eating and laughing to take very many. Jed Brophy, a fabulous Kiwi actor and in all 9 of the LotRs and Hobbit movies, joined us on our tour. I try to make things special for my groups!
After dinner, you roll out of the pub and out for a walk. Skittles joined us as we picked up our lanterns and headed out to Bilbo’s party tree. There we danced a little, being still full, and laughed some more, being Hobbitish by then.

Eventually we regretfully left the Shire and began our long bus ride home. Full of good food, fellowship and happy Hobbit memories.
Seeing Hobbiton again got Glenn and I excited to see WETA Unleashed, a new exhibit, store and experience in Auckland. Weta is Sir Richard Taylor’s company that builds the sets costumes, make up and effects for films like Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit, Avatar, Dune part 2, Rebel Moon, Black Pather, Rings of Power, Mulan, Jumanji …I mean the list is ginormous.

Weta Unleashed is about being creative. It’s a fantastic and VERY entertaining peek into the world of the artists that create the worlds we love to fall into during a film. I’ll add some images of it too, but you must go if you ever visit Auckland.
Please do yourself the favor of visiting Hobbiton as well, and in the evening if you can. Send me a photo of you doing something Hobbitish!

Journal Prompt

(Each month I will give you a thought to fire up your mind. Use journaling prompts over and over again and see how the result changes.)
Try setting out a logbook near your coffee pot or on the desk or nightstand, and every day write down something you noticed that caught your imagination. Maybe some decorations at work spur a thought. Do you have some favorite moments from the Holidays past? Bring to mind times you felt the emotions of the season that you realize is something that brings meaning to your life. What can you notice that gives you appreciation? When did you find yourself being fully present? Now, see where you can create moments of meaning now. Don’t think too hard about it, just let the ideas flow. You can use this also in your morning visualization practice.
Member result of the month – Testimonial
Each month we feature results and feedback from one of our Magical Living community members!
“The acceptance and positive approach of Patricia and others meant I could without judgment or shame just face me and my issues and be open and honest and deal with them.”
– Janice S., UK

Any of the Magical Living Programs and workshops make great gifts. Here are a few giftable options!
🎇 Practical Practice: Make the Next Season the BEST Season:
🎁 Practical Practice: Full Bundle of 4 Workshops
🍽️ Cooking with Claudia:
Personal Development books I love:
You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero
High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard
My book Pleasure Thresholds is on Amazon! You can get it here:
Dark Legacies Double Issue, both autographed!
Get a personal video message from me!
Babylon 5 Series on Blu Ray HERE:
Babylon 5 : The Road Home (animated- various formats):
❣️We get a little percentage from Amazon when you use our link for shopping. Thank you!
Stay in touch!
Keep in touch with me on social media by clicking the icons below to view my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. There’s lots going on, so make sure to follow/subscribe and say hi!
Follow my Quest Retreats accounts for travel updates and more!
Become a Talisman Apprentice!

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Step into the world of endless opportunities!
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey where the realms of Sci-Fi and Fantasy converge with personal growth and development?
Using my years of experience guiding fellow nerds in personal development workshops & my career as an actor and stunt woman, I will help you bust through the obstacles on your unique journey.
Are you aspiring to build confidence, overcome challenges, and achieve personal and professional success?
Do you like the idea of a fun and supportive new group of friends and enthusiasts who understand your passion and can provide guidance and encouragement?
Are you looking for practical strategies to apply the lessons learned from Sci-Fi and Fantasy stories to your own life?
Could you be seeking personal growth and development beyond the realms of fiction?
As a Talisman Apprentice, you have a unique opportunity to build confidence, overcome challenges, and achieve success while being supported by a community of like-minded enthusiasts.
The Talismans have access to our exclusive, super fun community of nerds at an easy and accessible level.
Click here to start your journey!
If you are interested in chats, games, sci-fi, and a bit of personal development, actor and stuntwoman Patricia Tallman invites you to Join our Magical Living Community!
The Talisman Apprentice level gives you access to the ML community, Gaming Guild, Watch Parties, and Monday Meditation.
Become a Talisman Apprentice here! (Use code 2MONTHSFREE at checkout for a 2 month free trial!)
Who is Patricia Tallman?
You can learn more about me here!
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Patricia, founder of Magical Living
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