I just finished another Practical Practice workshop called Make The Next Season The BEST Season.
It’s a technique I use when looking ahead for the next 3 months and set myself up to succeed!
There’s a simple process I have developed to take the anxiety and mystery out of a busy schedule and create what I want rather than just reacting to whatever happens! That just results in chaos! I run a charity called Be A Santa during the holidays on top of all the other activities that crash into these next months.
I got tired of feeling depleted and unsatisfied at the end of the year. I can’t wait for my students to report back on what a wonderful end of 2024 they have experienced!
Now I want to know from you:
📚 What workshop would you like to see from me next?
🌼 What topics?
💗 What is it you come to me for?
You can email us @ helpelf@magicalliving.us to let me know!
I really want to know how I can serve you best.
Read on for how to start making these next 3 months the best season of the year!
Cheering you on!
Your Morning Motivation

This section will be a thought to help you set yourself up for a more purposeful day. It can be a very simple thing to add a bit of focused intention to your day.
How to use this section:
- Pick one thing to focus on today. I’ll make a suggestion below, but it can be whatever is right for you.
- Write it down somewhere you’ll see it several times a day. Bonus if you add in why you chose it and how it will make a change in your day/life.
- Set a timer on your phone, 4x today to look at your intention.
- At the end of the day write down how it went, what did you notice, and what you might want to try tomorrow.
Ask yourself, if this were true, what would you change?:
“Every act is an act of self definition.” ~ Neale Donald Walsch
What if fear wasn’t your enemy, but your coach, pointing you in the direction of your deepest desires? The reason you don’t already have what you want is because of a Face of Fear™. What is it you are really afraid of? What if you couldn’t blame anyone, including yourself? What if that fear, that thing that is in your way, just dissolved? What would you do next?
Article of the month

Last week I had the great pleasure of doing a new Practical Practice workshop called Make The Next Season The Best Season.
I really want to help everyone have a fantastic next 3 months.
It really works when you use your natural gifts (mutant powers) and create what it is you really want to experience. When you do this, you find that you really do have more agency over how things go.
It gives you a sense of hope and excitement. There’s more energy available for working towards those goals and ideas.
It’s all brain science! 🧠
When you lay out your calendar, take a few minutes to visualize how you want things to go and how you want to feel, you actually are reprogramming your brain.
Then the Reticular Activating System kicks in and looks for ways to help you achieve it.
It sees opportunities, it reminds you so you don’t forget details, and it actually creates more energy by saving you time and brain power.
I mean, come on!
Who doesn’t want that!
The few minutes you spend setting this up is MORE than repaid by the time you save in running around trying to remember all the things, feeling depleted because things are getting busier, and being frazzled because you don’t have a plan.
So here is the first part of the process if you missed the workshop.
Just doing this part will help so much.
📆 Print out the calendar template Avery made HERE. Make 3 copies and label them for October, November and December. Put in all the dates.

📆 Put in all the dates you know you have commitments on, like birthdays you want to remember, weddings or other events, work deadlines, any travel dates, and the holidays you want to celebrate.
📆 Now add in dates for things you might like to do such as if you want to schedule a party, grab up that date and send your friends a Save The Date email. Holiday dates get snapped up fast!
📆 Now add in things like hair appointments, dentist, accountants. At the end of the year everyone gets busy! Schedule now and be one of the lucky ones who does get the spots! Now you have it on the calendar, you can hold that time, and you don’t have one more thing to worry about, it’s all set!
📆 When are you going to take care of any gift giving? Schedule it. Make your list, buy your cards, write the emails and save them in drafts. Now you are ahead of the game.
📆 What else can you think of? Pencil all of it in! You can always adjust. If it’s not on the calendar, it ain’t gonna happen!
The next piece is the magical part.
Set aside at least 30 minutes and close your eyes. Breathe. Slow down the breath and let your mind relax.
If you need a guided meditation you can use one from my Youtube channel.
Give yourself at least 10 minutes to keep breathing and releasing thoughts.
Now use your super power of visualization and visualize how you want the next 3 months to go. You don’t need to know how you did it. Just see happy faces, yours particularly. See yourself feeling the way you want to feel.
Calm, joyful, relaxed, confident, productive, loved, happy, easily handling whatever comes.
What is it you want to experience? Imagine it.
Journal any ideas that come up.
You have just programmed your RAS to help you make it so!
You’ll notice things, have ideas, hear random snippets of conversations. All relating you what you want.
The Universe will step in and meet you on the road!
The next important step is to do this at least once a day for a few minutes. More is better. Take time in the morning and evening to set up what you want to experience, how you want to feel, and to review, expand gratitude, and prepare for the next day!
In the replay for Make The Next Season The BEST Season there is a LOT more detail, and along with the Calendar there’s a Daily Planner Page and a Prep Planner Page you can use for deeper planning and organization. There’s an eBook full of notes from the entire workshop and some bonus travel tips.
And you can use this for any time period!
If you’d like to get the replay it’s only $27 and you can buy it HERE.
Remember! You truly are magical and you deserve a life that feels that way!
Your gift – The Magical Living Calendar Template Page – https://www.patriciatallman.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Patricia-Tallmans-Magical-Living-Monthly-Calendar-Template.pdf
Our Quest Travel Adventures

The early part of September had us finally reaching central Western Australia and getting to scuba dive on the Ningaloo reef. It’s been on my list of adventures for many years. Glenn and I really wanted to see what the whale shark scene was all about! What is different about diving out of Exmouth is the whale sharks there are not fed or cultivated. They come there for the vast amount of coral spawning from Ningaloo reef that happens March – July. We were pretty late to the party but were assured there were still a few around. The huge fish are spotted by small planes flying over the hundreds of kilometers of open ocean.
Being heavily protected, there are a lot of rules the few tour operators must follow. We couldn’t scuba on a whale shark expedition, for one thing. You can only snorkel and even then you cannot free dive, but are required to stay on the ocean’s surface.
I think the whale shark expeditions are well done for the animals, and rewarding for the humans, but they aren’t easy! Only 10 people are allowed in the water with the animals at any one time. Each boat may have up to 20 people on it, We saw 4 other boats also visiting the whale sharks.
What this means is when a whale shark is spotted, the boats head to that location and take turns getting their people in and out of the water.
How this works: the captains communicate, and an order is agreed upon. The boat that’s nearest gets its group of 10 in the ocean with their guide, they swim with the animals for 5 minutes or so, then swim away while the next 10 slide in. The first group rejoins the boat, then the second group boards. Then the next boat is up. And so on.
It’s pretty well done, but a complete frenzy for the swimmers. We are all kitted up with our fins, masks and snorkels on. We sit awkwardly on the deck while the captain speedily maneuvers us into the best position to swim with the whale shark. Then our guides scream “GOGOGOGO” and like navy seals we scoot on our bums as fast as we can and slide (not jumping) into the ocean so as not to scare off the massive fish.
Then we swim like fucking maniacs in the direction our guides are pointing and spot the whale shark(s) underwater, then swim like lunatics to keep up with them for a while. When the guides give the signal we swim away while the next group gets their turn. Then we reboard as fast as we can to repeat the whole thing if the whale shark hasn’t gotten irritated and swam away.
Our boat had its own plane in the air whale shark spotting for us. Because it was off season, there were a few but far between. They are singular hunters, gathering only when big spawning events create a lot of food.
We swam with a shark 4 times.
It was exhausting but wonderful. I know how lucky we are to be able to do such a thing. This was on my birthday weekend! What a gift!
Glenn and I had the massive great luck to have a whale shark make an unexpected visit to us on the Great Barrier Reef in July. We were about 30 meters down. Whale sharks don’t like cold water so this was super rare. She swam right towards me, glided by while checking us out and slowly circled away. We have posted the video and I’ll share it again. You can find it HERE!
This was my favorite way to have an animal encounter. It’s on their terms. Random and magical. We put ourselves out there being willing to be uncomfortable, and ask for a beautiful, safe and special experience. The universe provides.
We also saw giant mantas on a scuba excursion from Coral Bay, plus sea turtles, sharks and dolphins. We had a lot of wind and waves. But it was a thrill to be finally on Ningaloo reef.
That was probably our last dive of 2024. Now we hike!
Next stop, New Zealand and Armageddon Expo in Auckland! Can’t wait to see my Kiwi friends!
Happy Halloween everyone!

I was a guest on the Kasanova podcast! Listen in here: https://youtu.be/5CE1AqB-DYY?si=zSIULQvNCxH4txHb
Are You an Artist or a Writer with Items to Sell?
We are getting ready for the holidays!
Our B5Events.com store has an Artists page where we feature talented folks from our community who have a website and products to sell.
We love to feature artists in our community and share them with the world!
The Artist page says a little about the artist, their art, music or books, and sends them to the website where they can be purchased.
If you’d like to be on our page, please send us:
- Less than 100 words describing your product or book for promotion.
- A great Image (500px width minimum in either square or portrait)
- Link to buy your products
- Your email address for us to best use to contact you.
You can fill out this form here or send your answers over to helpelf@magicalliving.us !
We do not take a percentage or ask for any money. You are a valued member of our community and we would love to see you make extra cash for the holidays!
We are updating the page soon and need your info asap. Deadline is October 31st!
Cheering you on!
Pat and Avery
Member result of the month – Testimonial
Each month we feature results and feedback from one of our Magical Living community members!
“I think the way you explain things makes this so accessible… The exercises really surprised me with their impact. Specifically, the writing down of dreams and then putting yourself in that scene and asking to describe as if I was there was a really positive thing to do.
You do not lecture or attempt to come across smarter than the viewer, but instead you are just you and this is what makes it special and positive.”
– Paul
Upcoming Conventions
Last conventions of the year!
Patricia will be at Armageddon: Auckland October 25-28th https://www.armageddonexpo.com/general-info/auckland-spring/
Claudia Christian will be at Vienna Comic Con November 23-25th https://viecc.com/
Special Con Report: Oz Comic Con Sydney

Written by our visiting Magical Living member Victoria Kuʻuwehileipualani, pictured above in Fear Dragon cosplay.
September 27th, 2024
Last week, I had the privilege of attending Oz Sydney, the big semi-final of the Oz Comic Cons held all around Australia (the final OzCC of the year being their end-of-the-year Christmas wrap-up in December). This was my first international convention ever and the biggest convention I’ve ever attended. Both days had their tickets sold out, and the Sydney Showground was utterly packed, with attendees walking shoulder-to-shoulder to get around. The crowded environment was a little overwhelming, but there were many quiet spots around the convention site, so I could take the breaks necessary for a splendid time.
The primary OzCC site—held in Sydney Showground’s Dome—showcased many local artists and vendors. Generally, I only shop at the Artist Alley booths at conventions. Vendors’ Rooms at conventions largely consist of businesses that are a bit bigger than the local artists. Because it was my first time visiting a convention internationally, I went around to see what kind of nerdy stores were being showcased. All the tables in both vending areas had incredible items to offer. OzCC has a high focus on anime, so most sellers had very kawaii art and merch, which triggered my cuteness aggression.
I had to practice SOOOO much self-control! I would have left that convention with 8 new backpacks and 20-million plushies if I could have. Alas, I was already riding a fine line with my luggage space before the convention weekend. But I found some shirts and keychains that my family members would have loved, and I had to get them… and a couple of keychains and tons of stickers for myself.

Of all the fandom conventions I’ve attended, this was one of the most cosplay-focused. Most people walking around were in cosplay, and all were extremely well crafted! I’ve learned that cosplay is so celebrated at these conventions that there is a cosplay contest in all six OzCC locations. These all lead up to a cumulative cosplay event held on Sydney’s 2nd day where all six winners compete for overall champion of cosplay that year. This is mainly why Oz Sydney was so packed.
Side note: I heard that the overall champion of the OzCC cosplay contest wins a trip to a Comic Convention in the USA. I thought that was wild. In most cosplay contests held at any American Comic Con, the winners get maybe a hundred bucks and a 50% discounted price to the [insert state/town Comic Con here]’s merch store. Like, for real?!?!

Watching the finale contest was incredible and inspiring. Even just walking around and seeing all of the cosplaying attendees. These Oz cosplayers are so talented! So many of the costumes I saw were so elaborate and beautiful. People dedicated hours, days, and weeks to making their cosplays. One of the contest winners from a different OzCC location spent years on his cosplay suit, and it was the coolest thing ever! (He didn’t win the overall championship. He really should have, but that’s just my opinion.) By the end of the weekend, I was itching to get back to my workshop to work on my cosplays. I want to reach the same level as the Oz cosplayers one day!
Oz Sydney was a 10 out of 10 convention! The people running it were exceptional. My interactions with everyone I’ve spoken to were so lovely and fun. I hope that, in the future, I can attend Oz Comic Con in other states. That was an extravagant and exciting weekend.

Halloween Watch Party

We would LOVE you to watch a horror movie with us!
Pull out the popcorn and get your hot cider brewing, we have a Witchy Watch Party on October 27th coming up.
Would you like to help choose the film?
Join our Talisman Apprentice level of the Magical Living Community by October 25th and vote for the film of your choice!
Plus continue to suggest and vote for all the Watch Parties we enjoy every month.
New Bonuses Added!
Click through here to read more!

Any of the Magical Living Programs and workshops make great gifts. Here are a few giftable options!
🎇 Practical Practice: Make the Next Season the BEST Season: https://magicalliving.mykajabi.com/offers/F22wJvk6
🎁 Practical Practice: Full Bundle of 4 Workshops https://magicalliving.mykajabi.com/offers/2nYL5p8S/checkout
🍽️ Cooking with Claudia: https://magicalliving.mykajabi.com/offers/w5CWvybq/checkout
Personal Development books I love:
You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero https://amzn.to/3NaxPgK
High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard https://amzn.to/3oG5O7p
My book Pleasure Thresholds is on Amazon! You can get it here: https://amzn.to/3TUBily
Dark Legacies Double Issue, both autographed! https://b5events.com/store-2/comic-dark-legacies-bundle-autographed-by-claudia-christian/
Get a personal video message from me! https://b5events.com/store-2/a-message-from-patricia/
Babylon 5 Series on Blu Ray HERE: https://amzn.to/3tDABnO
Babylon 5 : The Road Home (animated- various formats): https://amzn.to/47icXe7
❣️We get a little percentage from Amazon when you use our link for shopping. Thank you!
Stay in touch!
Keep in touch with me on social media by clicking the icons below to view my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. There’s lots going on, so make sure to follow/subscribe and say hi!
Follow my Quest Retreats accounts for travel updates and more!
Become a Talisman Apprentice!

New Bonuses Added!
Step into the world of endless opportunities!
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey where the realms of Sci-Fi and Fantasy converge with personal growth and development?
Using my years of experience guiding fellow nerds in personal development workshops & my career as an actor and stunt woman, I will help you bust through the obstacles on your unique journey.
Are you aspiring to build confidence, overcome challenges, and achieve personal and professional success?
Do you like the idea of a fun and supportive new group of friends and enthusiasts who understand your passion and can provide guidance and encouragement?
Are you looking for practical strategies to apply the lessons learned from Sci-Fi and Fantasy stories to your own life?
Could you be seeking personal growth and development beyond the realms of fiction?
As a Talisman Apprentice, you have a unique opportunity to build confidence, overcome challenges, and achieve success while being supported by a community of like-minded enthusiasts.
The Talismans have access to our exclusive, super fun community of nerds at an easy and accessible level.
Click here to start your journey! https://bit.ly/TalismanApprentice
If you are interested in chats, games, sci-fi, and a bit of personal development, actor and stuntwoman Patricia Tallman invites you to Join our Magical Living Community!
The Talisman Apprentice level gives you access to the ML community, Gaming Guild, Watch Parties, and Monday Meditation.
Become a Talisman Apprentice here!
Who is Patricia Tallman?
You can learn more about me here!
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Thank you for reading! If you would like these updates delivered straight to your email inbox every month, you can subscribe to the monthly magazine here.
Patricia, founder of Magical Living
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