I love this time of year with summer still happening and autumn sometimes in the air! So much to look forward to!
This is a GREAT time to take a cup of tea and look forward to the last weeks of summer, the new weeks of Fall, and the coming holidays to celebrate. So many wonderful memories are ready to be made!
So how will you make them? WHAT would you like to create for yourself and loved ones?
I’ll share some tips on how to create memories to cherish.
Magical Living Open House

I am hosting an extraordinary guest on August 26th. Helen Fritsch is a health and fitness coach and podcast host on Age Is Irrelevant.
Join us for an empowering conversation on working out, how to eat, overcoming stereotypes, and age and body positivity. Also bring your questions!
Healthy and Fit at Any Age!
Date: August 26th at 5pm PDT on Zoom.
Replay available
Sign up to attend the FREE Open House with Helen Fritsch.
or receive the replay!
🎉REGISTER HERE: https://bit.ly/MLHelen
About Helen:
Helen is a 67 year old Flight Attendant, Lifelong champion athlete, IFBB Bodybuilding Masters Bikini Pro, Masters Track and Field athlete, Online Fitness/Nutrition Coach and Podcast Host! After winning a national bodybuilding show on her 60th birthday, Helen realized that age truly is irrelevant when it comes to achieving your goals, dreams and aspirations!
She started a successful podcast called “Age is Irrelevant” In 2014 she was diagnosed with CLL, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. With her healthy lifestyle, positive mindset and eyes always forward approach, she has yet to start treatment and she has never looked back! Helen has been featured in over 13 magazines so far. She has an online fitness/nutrition program.
As you can see, she is pretty amazing! Join us at the Open House and meet her for yourself: https://bit.ly/MLHelen
Your Morning Motivation

This section will be a thought to help you set yourself up for a more purposeful day. It can be a very simple thing to add a bit of focused intention to your day.
How to use this section:
- Pick one thing to focus on today. I’ll make a suggestion below, but it can be whatever is right for you.
- Write it down somewhere you’ll see it several times a day. Bonus if you add in why you chose it and how it will make a change in your day/life.
- Set a timer on your phone, 4x today to look at your intention.
- At the end of the day write down how it went, what did you notice, and what you might want to try tomorrow.
This is your monthly hug from me and a reminder to take time, every day if possible, and reflect on what it is you want to feel, experience and share. Is it a feeling like Love, Joy or Peace? Or a value like Honesty, Integrity, Creativity?
What would you like other people to experience in your presence?
Just take a few minutes and imagine you already having those feelings.
Where do you notice those feelings arising? Notice them.
Then reflect on them. Where were you? What were you doing? Whom were you with? The reflection helps to expand those feelings, and help you to notice when you feel them the next time.
Before you know it, you are feeling the way you wish to more often! You are programing your RAS (reticular activating system) to help you create those feelings, notice them, and expand them every day.
How awesome is that!
Article of the month

Creating a Year to Celebrate!
You may have heard me talk about the human mutant power of imagination. We are all born with it. We are the only animals that have it to the degree we do. And most humans do not use it. I teach how to turn it into a Super Power to create a life you live joyously.
This month I want to share how you can use it to create the rest of this year and make it a joy filled, fun, celebratory year to remember!
Meanwhile, you’ll learn more about how to use this sleeping power of yours and focus it on what you want . NOT on what you don’t! So break out your calendar and your log book. Let’s start imagining this incredible next 4 months.
Close your eyes and Box Breathe slowly for a minute or 2.
I like putting on some music too. I love film soundtracks and also nature sounds. Depends on my mood!
📖 Looking at your calendar, mark down the upcoming events you are committed to already.
- Note important dates like School Starting, and Travel to see family for the holidays.
- Are there upcoming events you want to do? Put them in the calendar, even if you are not sure if you can go to them.
- Are there birthdays? Weddings? Anniversaries?
- Now what about parties you like to host? When do you think you’ll have them? Put them in, even if you change it later.
Breathe during this, slowly. Sometimes even just looking at a schedule can get you amped up. Keep the Fear Dragon™ asleep. Breathe.
Close your eyes again and keep breathing slowly. Let yourself imagine what you want to experience in the next few weeks. Enjoy the rest of the summer. See yourself enjoying yourself. Don’t worry about how it’s going to happen. Just let yourself feel into what you dearly want.
Open your eyes and write it down.
No matter what your brain is telling you, remember you deserve to have a great year.
Write down your thoughts and ideas about what you can do to achieve that.
Your brain will try to trip you up by getting caught up in details, practicalities and ‘what if’ disasters. Just counter those negative thoughts with ‘Yes, and what if it works out?’
Flip it to the GOOD possibilities.
Write it down.
Now keep going.
Close your eyes, listen to your heart and start to imagine the next few weeks.
Keep breathing slowly. If you get caught up in negative thoughts, box breathe and let the thought go. It’s ok. It’s normal! The brain is just trying to protect you by not letting you out of the Cave of Complacency. Nothing ever happens there, but at least the Fear Dragon thinks you’re safe. Tell your dragon ‘Thank you, I appreciate it, but I got this. Go back to sleep.”
If you are really struggling, you can ask the dragon to have a chat with you and see what it’s so afraid of. Write that out too.
It can help the Face of Fear lose it’s power over you.
Keep going!
Think about a Holiday you want to enjoy! Imagine how you would love it to go. Close your eyes and Box Breathe. Let yourself feel what you want to feel, focus on that.
What ideas come up?
What plans do you want to make?
Write them down.
Go through your whole calendar til Jan 1st 2025.
See yourself celebrating the end of 2024.
You are joyful, even amazed at how great this year has been.
Allow yourself to go there!
Feel into your dream goals for the rest of this year a bit everyday!
You will be amazed at how much better things will go.
If you are still having trouble, and would like to be in a supportive place, join the Talisman’s Apprentice level and come to meditation. I will also be having a special Envisioning event where we will do this together. Replay available!
More about Talisman at the end of the MoMag!
Our Quest Travel Adventures

Glenn and I have been in Australia now for almost 2 and a half months. This is one of the longest stretches we have stayed in another country and we will be here until October! I thought we would stay put for a month or so in a couple of places. Yet we have been moving around more than I thought we would. It is a HUGE country and there is so much to see! After Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne, we flew up to Cairns (pronounced Cans) and the Great Barrier Reef.
We have been talking about diving on this reef for a couple of years. I was here 14 years ago and did a liveaboard dive boat then. It was an extraordinary experience. I was doing Armageddon in Sydney and Adelaide and in between I booked this dive boat. I didn’t have a companion, I just went by myself to join the other folks who booked this experience. Looking back, I am proud of myself for being brave enough to do it.
The GBR is unusual. There’s an inner and outer reef which creates a very special habitat for ocean life. Much of the coastline in Australia is problematic for swimming. There are little creatures called Stingers, which are seasonal, and cause a lot of pain. And there are crocodiles, yes saltwater crocs, which are aggressive death machines. Most of the populated beaches have lifeguards or at least some safeguards like signs saying stingers or crocs are present so No Swimming.

We are here in winter which means no stingers (probably) and the crocs are hibernating (hopefully) but it’s too cold for me to want to pop into the ocean. Plus because of rivers that run into the sea, of which there are MANY, it makes the shore line murky.
The best visibility is out to the inner reef or all the way out to the outer reef which is too far for most day trips.
This is why liveaboards are so great. We can get out to the places most do not go. Crocs don’t get out that far. And it’s not Stinger season.
We actually had incredible luck with a break in the weather. It has been stormy for months. Lots of rain and high winds and waves at sea. But for our week onboard, it was sunny and very calm! So we got out to the outer reefs and to areas they usually don’t get out to but 2 x a year!
We were over 180 kilometers away from any land.
It took many hours overnight to get out to these remote dive spots. We never saw another boat on the reef at the same time.
The visibility was epic. Like glass. We could see over 50 meters. This is unreal at sea especially at depths of 20-30 meters because of lack of a lot of sunlight.
The reefs are pristine. Most of the spots we stopped at are pinnacle reefs meaning they are the tops of an underwater mountain rising thousands of meters from the bottom of the sea. While the tops could be 10-20 meters from the surface, the drop offs are epic.
We had to be REALLY aware of how deep we were drifting. The deeper you go, after about 10 meters, you sink fast. Managing buoyancy is a peak skill in diving! It’s easy to become distracted when excited about following a sea creature you dearly want to watch or film. I kept my eye on Glenn because he is getting really good at underwater video but can lose sight of us if he’s really keen on getting a shot.
The big animals are out here. Because there are very few boats, they are willing to make these areas part of their home routes.

I have never been in the water with so many sharks. I am not keen on hanging out with sharks. But I have to admit it is pretty thrilling. What we saw on this trip were black tip and white tip reef sharks and gray reef sharks. They are not interested in eating humans. They are fish eaters. Even so, one dive we went on a Sharknado experience. Our boat takes part in gray shark research and Minke whale research.
For Sharknado, they feed the sharks and count the grays, also looking for signs of health. We divers were positioned sitting in an amphitheater of rock, while the dive masters set up the feeding cage, and lead the shark counting. What it looked like to us was dozens of big assed sharks swimming around a rock outcropping where there was a cage filled with fish parts lowered from our boats dingy to a position over the top of the outcrop. The sharks were observed for about 15 minutes. It was amazing. After 5 minutes or so, I calmed down enough to just watch all of these sharks and other large fish circle the feeding cage and occasionally assert dominance over smaller sharks. I have no idea how you’d discern the difference in the sharks to count them!
At the right moment after they were done counting , one diver opened the food cage and the insanity began. Then we could see why it was called Sharknado! We have some photos we will post on Instagram @quest.retreats4nerds .
Incredible to see!

After it was over we went about the rest of our dive! Like 47* sharks weren’t cruising around us!
That was just ONE of 22 incredible dives we had on this trip.
We were diving on another pinnacle reef and I heard another dive master making some noise. I got Glenn’s attention and we both looked to where she was pointing. In the deep blue of the deepest ocean was a very large shape coming towards us. We had no idea what it was. But it was huge. As it came into view we could see it was a whale shark.
I have always wanted to see one of these incredible creatures. They are plankton eaters so not at all dangerous. They are very rare on the GBR, preferring the other side of the continent. This one swam up to me and Glenn and after looking at us kept right on going cruising back into the deep blue. It was heart stopping.
There is a video of it on our IG.
She was about 28-30 feet long. Felt bigger. I like to look up the spiritual meaning of the animals I encounter. Whale sharks are believed to bring good fortune.
Out of the 20 or so divers in the water from our boat, only 5 or 6 saw her. The whole encounter lasted maybe 45 seconds. Good fortune indeed!
On other dives we also saw 2 huge oceanic giant mantas, a lot bigger than those we see in Hawaii. And a Minke whale!
Plus, I had my octopus encounter! We were at a shallower reef bed, and I lowered myself into the sand near his garden. We watched each other for about 10 minutes and then I slowly backed away. So cool.
Diving is a very vigorous and specialized activity. I never take any safety for granted. At depth, even a small problem is serious. I am so grateful Glenn and I and our whole company on the Spirit Of Freedom came back safe from every dive.
*That’s how many were estimated to be at this Sharknado.
Journal Prompt

(Each month I will give you a thought to fire up your mind. Use journaling prompts over and over again and see how the result changes.)
Try setting out a logbook near your coffee pot or on the desk or nightstand, and every day write down something you noticed that caught your imagination.
This month, let’s amplify the feeling of being LOVED. Where do you notice a nice feeling of loving in your heart towards someone else? Appreciation, beauty, sweetness….even observing other people’s joy. What did you notice today that reflected love?
When we appreciate love and sweetness around us, we can begin to bring it closer and closer to us. We are not waiting for love to show up! We are creating it around us! First is to notice where it *pings* for us.

My book Pleasure Thresholds is on Amazon! You can get it here: https://amzn.to/3TUBily
Dark Legacies Double Issue, both autographed! https://b5events.com/store-2/comic-dark-legacies-bundle-autographed-by-claudia-christian/
Get my book Pleasure Thresholds, NOW on Amazon! https://amzn.to/3TUBily
Babylon 5 Series on Blu Ray HERE: https://amzn.to/3tDABnO
Babylon 5 : The Road Home (animated- various formats): https://amzn.to/47icXe7
❣️We get a little percentage from Amazon when you use our link for shopping. Thank you!
Upcoming Conventions
Patricia will be at:
OZ Comic Con: Brisbane Sept 14-15th
OZCC: Sydney Sept 21-22nd
Armageddon: Auckland October 25-28th
Member result of the month – Testimonial
Each month we feature results from one of our Magical Living community members!
“The meditations have been a great anchor for taking the time and space for peace, and to be in tune with myself. These periods of peace have helped to be more present, and conscious of thoughts and feelings.”
Stay in touch!
Keep in touch with me on social media by clicking the icons below to view my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. There’s lots going on, so make sure to follow/subscribe and say hi!
Follow my Quest Retreats accounts for travel updates and more!
Become a Talisman Apprentice!

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Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey where the realms of Sci-Fi and Fantasy converge with personal growth and development?
Using my years of experience guiding fellow nerds in personal development workshops & my career as an actor and stunt woman, I will help you bust through the obstacles on your unique journey.
Are you aspiring to build confidence, overcome challenges, and achieve personal and professional success?
Do you like the idea of a fun and supportive new group of friends and enthusiasts who understand your passion and can provide guidance and encouragement?
Are you looking for practical strategies to apply the lessons learned from Sci-Fi and Fantasy stories to your own life?
Could you be seeking personal growth and development beyond the realms of fiction?
As a Talisman Apprentice, you have a unique opportunity to build confidence, overcome challenges, and achieve success while being supported by a community of like-minded enthusiasts.
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Click here to start your journey! https://bit.ly/TalismanApprentice
If you are interested in chats, games, sci-fi, and a bit of personal development, actor and stuntwoman Patricia Tallman invites you to Join our Magical Living Community!
The Talisman Apprentice level gives you access to the ML community, Gaming Guild, Watch Parties, and Monday Meditation.
Become a Talisman Apprentice here!
Who is Patricia Tallman?
You can learn more about me here!
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Patricia, founder of Magical Living
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