Happy July to everyone! Happy summer!
July 4th had us Americans thinking of Freedom, hard won and hard earned. Freedom takes work, ironically.
In our Monthly Magical Moment, our Magical Living workshop this July we are talking about Freedom from our limiting beliefs, our own thoughts, and our emotions.
I don’t mean we have a goal of no emotions! Rather we understand them and what is going on in ourselves that is reacting to the emotion.
And we cultivate the good feeling emotions of joy, love, happiness, freedom and peace. There’s an emotional maturity we develop so we can choose how we wish to respond rather than blindly reacting.
That sounds really good to me.
To become more of who you really want to be. To follow your heart and flourish in your own career or business. To celebrate and deepen your connections, and experiencing more of what you deeply want in this life.
To see everyone being cared for and safe. This is freedom to me.
I wish all this and more for you!
Your Morning Motivation

This section will be a thought to help you set yourself up for a more purposeful day. It can be a very simple thing to add a bit of focused intention to your day.
How to use this section:
- Pick one thing to focus on today. I’ll make a suggestion below, but it can be whatever is right for you.
- Write it down somewhere you’ll see it several times a day. Bonus if you add in why you chose it and how it will make a change in your day/life.
- Set a timer on your phone, 4x today to look at your intention.
- At the end of the day write down how it went, what did you notice, and what you might want to try tomorrow.
4 Affirmations for today:
I Trust myself to navigate through this.
I am grateful for who I am and what I have accomplished.
I am loved and accepted just as I am.
I don’t have to prove myself to anyone.
From: @drnicolecain
For each of the affirmations, can you write down an example?
Write down how each affirmation makes you feel.
Add them to your affirmation list!
Article for the month

I have been in Australia and done 4 talks from the stage in Adelaide and Melbourne at Oz Comic Con. I love speaking onstage and engaging with the audience. Q&As are my favorite thing because I know I am talking about the things you want to hear from me.
Well I sure learned a lot doing those hour long talks!
I learned that folks really like my stunt stories and other behind-the-scenes insights. I have wondered if it’s actually interesting to you! I don’t need to wonder about that now.
I’ve created a new experience for you. It’s a storytelling and ‘lessons learned’ talk, using my days as a stuntwoman and actor as a hopefully compelling vehicle for sharing some valuable ideas with you.
You may have heard some of this before from me but I promise you some new stories I have NOT shared before. AND I truly believe there’s information here that can change your life. It did mine. And my students have shared with me that it’s helped them profoundly too.

Beyond the Stage: Your guide to life changing transformation from a Hollywood Stunt Person.
We are meant to be in community. Humans are designed that way. Hasn’t life these days made that even harder than ever?
And I think we are more anxiety ridden than we have been in decades.
Would you like to feel more calm and in control of your day? Your life?
Wouldn’t it be amazing to feel hope for the future?
How about if it were actually fun?
Join me for an entertaining hour of NEW behind-the-scenes Hollywood stories and simple easy-to-do tips for peace and power.
2 free Live online Events~ Saturday July 20th at 10am BST (London) or 2pm PDT (Los Angeles) ! Yes, I’ll be LIVE both times.
What you get:
- NEW stories from my career and the truth about the realization I had while recovering.
- I’ll guide you through some actual exercises (not the physical kind!).
- And an eBook full of profound tools for transforming your life.
Feel as badass as a stunt person by claiming your mutant powers and making them super, without having to fall down stairs or being set on fire!
Attend LIVE for the chance to win one of several valuable giveaways!
Register for FREE here- https://magicalliving.mykajabi.com/beyond-the-stage
Please share with your friends and groups! Tag us on any posts you share! There’s a prize for the most online support @PatriciaTallman.rocks on IG / @PatriciaTallmanPage on FB
Our Quest Travel Adventures

Australia is so abundant in wildlife that’s vastly different from North America. From most of the world actually! When we arrived in Sydney the first thing I noticed were these huge white Ibis. They are everywhere! They remind me of our pigeons, as they are all over town, unafraid of people, and always looking for food, hence the nickname “bin chickens”.

The birdsong was the next thing I noticed. I love the sounds of birds and nothing says you are not in Kansas anymore than the call of the Kookaburra!
Up here on the eastern coast, right now Glenn and I are near Cairns, on the Cassowary Coast. We settled in Mission Beach for a few weeks. Next week we are on a dive boat on the Great Barrier Reef.
Our bnb in Wongaling Beach was in the rainforest. The birdsong is incredible in the forest! Day and night! The owner had photos of a male cassowary and his chick right off the porch of our cabin. We saw wild pigs and dozens of wallabies, but nary a cassowary.

The wallabies are just too cute. But they are super skittish. I guess they have reason to be.
I had never seen a cassowary! They are reported to be rather dangerous, so I was unsure how to go about spotting one in the wild. This area is the only place in the world where the southern cassowary exists in freedom in the wild. (Three species of cassowaries are also found in Papua New Guinea.)

They are endangered. It’s estimated that there are 70-100 species of vegetation that depend on the cassowary to spread its seeds! It has a gentle digestive system that doesn’t break down seeds, and it can swallow large fruit whole!
We walked and drove slowly all over this area, following local advice to see one. People kept saying, ‘oh we had a father and chick over there just yesterday’, or ‘yes they are along this road all the time at 4pm’ …but nada.
Finally we drove to Etty Bay which is a small beach and campsite, notorious for cassowary sightings. The local cassowary population is less skittish and pretty much ignores gawkers.
We drove in along the only road to the beach and saw one who promptly disappeared. But it was incredible looking! And super exciting. At least we saw one! We went down to the beach, parked and walked around. Nothing. Finally, just as we were deciding to roll out, a lady driving into the parking lot said “2 cassowaries on the road!” and off we charged. 2 massive cassowaries were walking towards the beach, one on each side of the road. I have posted on my Facebook and Instagram accounts here: https://www.facebook.com/reel/1886817165115986 https://www.instagram.com/p/C9Bvz-2PSF6/

We saw 2 more in our neighborhood! Now we have the vibe and know how to bring them in. The first one we saw was really great but he disappeared into the forest. So I said ok, now we want one who is clearly easy to see and stays around for us to admire him. And sure enough a few minutes later, we found another one who was totally chill!!! It’s all about the vibe.
I’m preparing my ‘octopus vibe’ for our dive trip. I’ll report about that in the next MoMag!
Journal prompt:

(Each month I will give you a thought to fire up your mind. Use journaling prompts over and over again and see how the result changes.)
What does freedom mean to you? Emotionally, physically, spiritually. Do you think it’s a basic human right? Why or why not? What do you think could be better in your community regarding freedom for all?
Calendar for B5 Friends
Convention schedule
July 25th-28th Jessica Brawner at SDCC Tell her I say HI!
September 14th & 15th. Patricia Tallman is at Oz Comic Con in Brisbane, Australia https://ozcomiccon.com/
September 21st & 22nd. Patricia Tallman is at Oz Comic Con in Sydney, Australia https://ozcomiccon.com/
October 25-28th Patricia Tallman is at Armageddon in Auckland, New Zealand
November 23rd-24th. Claudia Christian is at Vienna Con https://viecc.com/en/
Member result of the month – Testimonial
Each month we feature results from one of our Magical Living community members!
This testimonial touches on our 6-week fast track that we ran earlier this year to boost our members’ progress: Power Your Progress Academy, which is included in A Year of Magical Living!
“Having done Magical Living last year, [Power Your Progress] has felt like a more intensive, refresher course. Doing what we covered over the first few months of [Year of Magical Living] in a few weeks has jump started my process. Taking longer with the self-reflection and honest appraisal of myself was more in-depth, and very valuable. The morning routine workshops helped me turn the corner, practical actions to focus my mind and body on what I wanted to do. Now, reviewing it at a quicker pace has made it more urgent, and easier to put the lessons in place NOW.”
– Edmund

My book Pleasure Thresholds is on Amazon! You can get it here: https://amzn.to/3TUBily
Get a personal video message from me here: https://b5events.com/store-2/a-message-from-patricia/
Claudia Christian DARK LEGACIES signed copy: https://b5events.com/store-2/autographed-dark-legacies-comic-by-claudia-christian/
Babylon 5 Series on Blu Ray HERE: https://amzn.to/3tDABnO
Babylon 5 : The Road Home (animated- various formats): https://amzn.to/47icXe7
❣️We get a little percentage from Amazon when you use our link for shopping. Thank you!
Stay in touch!
Keep in touch with me on social media by clicking the icons below to view my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. There’s lots going on, so make sure to follow/subscribe and say hi!
Follow my Quest Retreats accounts for travel updates and more!
Become a Talisman Apprentice!

Step into a world of endless opportunities!
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey where the realms of Sci-Fi and Fantasy converge with personal growth and development?
As a Talisman Apprentice, you have a unique opportunity to build confidence, overcome challenges, and achieve success while being supported by a community of like-minded enthusiasts. Let me share with you some practical strategies that will help you along the way.
The Talisman’s Apprentice level is the perfect way to try out the Magical Living community. This is a way you can dip your toe in!
- LIVE Monday Meditations with Pat in Circle
- News & Updates with our member exclusive email
- Exclusive Magical Living Community on our private platform, Circle.
- The Gaming Guild hosted by Gamemaster Mike
- Watch party every month and voting rights for the next film or show
We look forward to welcoming you, Talisman!
Become a Talisman Apprentice here!
Who is Patricia Tallman?
You can learn more about me here!
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Patricia, founder of Magical Living
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