I am currently traveling in Australia. Oz Comic Con is hosting me for 4 shows in June and September, and I am having a blast.
In between, Glenn and I are traveling around the country. I am planning a workshop event in Sydney in September. If you are interested, and would like to be notified when it’s scheduled, please pop your email in here: https://magicalliving.mykajabi.com/austalia-new-zealand
Check out our next FREE Open House with Claudia Christian on June 29th! All the info is HERE. https://magicalliving.mykajabi.com/claudia-christian-online-open-house
Article for the month
What can we learn from regret?
Regret is such an interesting emotion, yet we tend to brush past it because it’s unpleasant.
However, all of us have regrets. Typical in personal development, what is most common should be explored, understood as best we can, and learned from. I mean, being more resilient seems to be a key in having a fulfilling life! The more we understand about our common emotions, the more we learn and hopefully the better choices we make. Leading to more happy experiences. At least that’s what I hope for you.
So what about regret? I am fond of saying I want no more regrets in my life. For me that means doing things even though I am fearful. Usually for me, what I really want is on the other side of something I am afraid of.

Yet I keep tripping over regret, like those damned rocks that appear out of nowhere, even ending up in your shoe. An old memory rises up of something I did, or didn’t do. A missed opportunity. A bad choice.
There it is again. Regret. Then I am beating myself up for something that happened many years ago. Again.
Why do we do this over and over? How do we let go of those old regrets?
Regret is related to forgiveness. Ah yes! The F word! If you, like me, have regrets that keep popping up, there’s something you haven’t forgiven.
And we know that forgiveness is on the path to freedom. Freedom means you have no more weight on your heart. You can truly be who you are meant to be. Loving, strong, confident, peaceful, present, resilient.

Learning from regret is important for several reasons, all of which contribute to your growth, healing hurt places, improving your decision-making, and overall well-being. Pick your top 4 or 5 from this list:
Personal Growth:
- Regret offers an opportunity for self-reflection and understanding. By examining past mistakes, we gain insights into our behaviors, values, and decision-making processes, which fosters personal development.
Improved Decision-Making:
- Reflecting on regretful decisions helps us identify what went wrong and why. This understanding can inform future choices, leading to better decision-making and avoiding similar mistakes.
Emotional Healing:
- Addressing and learning from regret can alleviate the emotional burden it carries. By understanding and accepting past errors, we can find closure and move forward with a lighter emotional load.
Enhanced Resilience:
- Learning from regret builds resilience. It helps us develop coping strategies and a more robust emotional framework to handle future challenges and setbacks.
Prevention of Repeated Mistakes:
- By analyzing the causes and effects of regretful actions, we can identify patterns and triggers that lead to poor decisions, thus preventing repeated mistakes.
Increased Self-Compassion:
- Understanding the context and reasons behind our regretful actions fosters self-compassion. Recognizing that everyone makes mistakes allows us to be kinder to ourselves and reduces harsh self-criticism.
Stronger Relationships:
- Reflecting on regret, especially in interpersonal contexts, can improve our relationships. By learning from past interactions, we can communicate more effectively, show empathy, and avoid behaviors that harm others.
Empowerment and Control:
- Learning from regret gives us a sense of empowerment and control over our lives. It shifts our focus from feeling like a victim of circumstances to taking proactive steps towards positive change.
Better Life Satisfaction:
- Ultimately, the lessons learned from regret contribute to a more fulfilling life. As we make better choices and develop healthier coping mechanisms, our overall satisfaction and happiness improve.
By embracing and learning from regret, we turn a negative experience into a valuable resource for personal and emotional development, enhancing our ability to navigate life’s challenges more effectively.
Who doesn’t want that?
Learning from regret involves a simple reflective process that can transform negative emotions into valuable insights for growth and improved decision-making in the future.
So how do we finally learn from regret and let it go?
Of course, I have some steps on this. Making a solution or process clear and easy to follow is my mission in my growth path as a guide for you.

Pull out your log book and scribble this out. See what you discover. Pick a regret that pops up now and then.
- First, acknowledge Your Feelings:
- Recognize and accept the feelings of regret without trying to suppress or ignore them. This helps you confront and understand the emotions involved.
- Identify the Source:
- Pinpoint what specific action or decision led to your feelings of regret. Understanding the root cause is crucial for addressing and learning from it.
- Analyze the Situation:
- Reflect on the circumstances that led to the regretful decision. Consider the factors that influenced your choice, such as information you had at the time, your mindset, and external pressures( i.e. were you Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired?).
- Evaluate the Impact:
- Assess the consequences of the decision, both positive and negative. Understanding the full impact helps you appreciate the significance of your actions.
- Learn from the Experience:
- Identify what you can learn from the situation. Ask yourself what you would do differently if faced with a similar situation in the future.
- Take Responsibility:
- Accept responsibility for your actions without blaming others or external factors. Owning your decisions is essential for personal growth.
- Develop a Plan:
- Create a concrete plan to avoid similar regrets in the future. This might involve setting intentions, visualizing good outcomes, or adopting new habits.
- Seek Feedback:
- Talk to trusted friends, family, or mentors about your experience. They can provide valuable insights and perspectives that you might not have considered.
- Practice Self-Compassion:
- Be kind to yourself and recognize that everyone makes mistakes. Self-compassion helps mitigate the negative emotional impact of regret and fosters resilience.
- Move Forward:
- Focus on the present and future rather than dwelling on the past. Use the lessons learned to make better choices moving forward and to build a more positive outlook.
You can transform regret into a powerful tool for personal development, helping you respond like the person you want to be, and making choices that value your intentions.
You deserve to be the best version of yourself! You are truly magical and deserve a life that feels that way!
Let me know if this helps!
Cheering you on.
Magical Living Open House

Next Open House! Claudia Christian!
Claudia always has so many cool things going on. It’s about time we caught up with her! She’s bringing in a special guest too, to help talk about a very big and exciting project she’s been working on for a long time now, Dark Legacies.
Claudia Christian is an American actress, singer, and author, known for her roles as Commander Susan Ivanova on Babylon 5, as Captain Maynard on Fox’s 9-1-1, and as the voice of Hera on the Netflix series Blood of Zeus. She is also the voice of Lt. Helga Sinclair in Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
We are going to catch up with Claudia, explore her new project, Dark Legacies with her co creator Dr. Chris McAuley. Chris is the co-creator of the popular StokerVerse, along with Bram Stoker’s great-grandnephew Dacre Stoker. And much more.
Join us for a rich conversation on Saturday June 29th at: Midnight Los Angeles, 3am NYC, 8am London, 9am Rome, 5pm Sydney, 7pm Auckland
Sign up to attend for free!
Get the replay = $19
Attend the VIP Party + both Main Event and VIP replays = $49
Attend the FREE Open House with Claudia Christian and her partner Dr. Chris McAuly!
Get the replay for $19 and we will send a special link for you to be able to watch at your convenience!
If you are a VIP, you’ll also get the replay for the main event and the VIP party! All for $49.
The VIP Party is right after the main event. Register HERE: https://magicalliving.mykajabi.com/claudia-christian-online-open-house
Buy the 1st issue of Dark Legacies Autographed by Claudia Christian HERE
We had an AWESOME guest speaker last week, Philippa Bagley.
She talked about Money Emotional Resilience, and had a Fabulous eWorkbook freebie.
The replays are only for Year Of Magical Living members, so don’t miss the live events! We schedule in many different time zones so everyone has an opportunity to attend one.
Your Morning Motivation
This section will be a thought to help you set yourself up for a more purposeful day. It can be a very simple thing to add a bit of focused intention to your day.
How to use this section:
- Pick one thing to focus on today. I’ll make a suggestion below, but it can be whatever is right for you.
- Write it down somewhere you’ll see it several times a day. Bonus if you add in why you chose it and how it will make a change in your day/life.
- Set a timer on your phone, 4x today to look at your intention.
- At the end of the day write down how it went, what did you notice, and what you might want to try tomorrow.
If you had one old resentment to let go of what would it be? Something that bothers you that keeps popping back up. It might even change your life if you could forget about it completely. What would it change for you? How would you feel? What would you do? Are you willing to release it? Why or why not?
Our Quest Travel Adventures

Our 6 weeks in the Philippines was both too short and long enough.
We did have time to experience many incredible things, and see a few islands. We were able to have an authentic experience on a small island without tourist amenities and crowds. Working here is now very possible with Starlink connectivity to the world.

As I write this we are still here. When you read this we will have moved on to Australia. The weather here is turning too hot for non air-conditioned living! Well at least not if you want to get much done. It’s too hot to even think. The humans and the electronics need a change of climate. I love it here and hope to come back!
The people here have been incredibly welcoming and kind. Folks are just naturally friendly. The kids cheer you on, wave hello with warm, open smiles, and will give hugs enthusiastically.
At first I was surprised all the time, but I quickly just appreciated and reciprocated!
Glenn and I have been so happy and amazed by how clean and clear the ocean is here. The coral reefs are huge and colorful. So much ocean life! Wow. And the water is warm and welcoming, almost too warm for the heat of the day.
And yes, the global crisis of the heating up of the oceans is a terrible reality. Heartbreaking.
I am so grateful for being able to travel and the friends it’s given me. I met Michelle in India. She invited us to Siargao Island. I don’t think we would have discovered this place if she hadn’t! We rented her house for our month-long stay. Along with having the opportunity of deepening my friendship with this incredible woman, we met her friends, who greeted and accepted us into their midsts. We got into a social network!

This means we saw people out and about, ate meals together, went to the beach or a swim spot, and felt accepted into a community. That wouldn’t have happened without Michelle. And that is how this traveling life works. We meet people and chat and learn about each other and other places. Sometimes it becomes a real friendship which grows. And that’s what we have with Michelle and her partner Darren.
Michelle runs several programs, NGOs (Non governmental Organizations) which provides classes on nutrition for children and mothers, Childcare and prenatal nutrition, and more. She also runs a restaurant, and a school lunch program! This woman is motivated!

She invited me to do a talk at a Mother’s Day program. It was a super sweet event held in a meeting venue in a bigger town on the island. We have over 100 moms, plus children and volunteers and some local government officials all there to celebrate mothers. I had asked my mom friends on Facebook for the advice they would share to new and expecting mothers. With my translator, we shared some funny (and all very helpful) tips from other moms all over the world.
I gotta tell you I am so humbled to be able to do some of the things I get to do!
Journal prompt:

(Each month I will give you a thought to fire up your mind. Use journaling prompts over and over again and see how the result changes.)
Try setting out a logbook near your coffee pot or on the desk or nightstand, and every day write down something you noticed that caught your imagination.
What is a goal that really means something to you?
Now look around your current life and notice where you have some of that in your life right now. If you want love, where do you have a bit of love right now? If you need money, where do you have a bit now? Where do you feel abundance and robustness now?
What can you notice that gives you appreciation for what you have already?
Expand upon that by imagining having what you want for a few minutes everyday and writing it down. Get more and more detailed! Really visualize having what you want and how that feels.
Calendar for B5 Friends
Convention schedule
June 8th & 9th. Patricia Tallman is at Oz Comic Con in Melbourne, Australia https://ozcomiccon.com/
June 15-16th. Claudia Christian with Bruce Boxleitner at Pyrkon, Poland https://pyrkon.pl/en/
June 29th Magical Living Open House with Claudia Christian
(Saturday June 29th at Midnight Los Angeles, 3am NYC, 8am London, 9am Rome, 5pm Sydney, 7pm Auckland)
Register for free here: https://magicalliving.mykajabi.com/claudia-christian-online-open-house
September 14th & 15th. Patricia Tallman is at Oz Comic Con in Brisbane, Australia https://ozcomiccon.com/
September 21st & 22nd. Patricia Tallman is at Oz Comic Con in Sydney, Australia https://ozcomiccon.com/
November 23rd-24th. Claudia Christian is at Vienna Con https://viecc.com/en/
Jessica Brawner was our Open House guest recently, and she shared this update:
“I wrapped up May with a fantastic experience at the MENSA San Diego Regional Gathering! The theme was Groovy, which meant I got to raid my closet and pull out my best 60’s attire for my presentation on Marketing and the Art of Self-Publishing. The vibrant energy of the event was infectious, and I absolutely love giving these kinds of presentations – you never know who will be in the audience.
One of the highlights for me was connecting with several budding authors afterwards. They were incredibly appreciative, and it was so rewarding to make the process of writing a book feel accessible and fun. Breaking down the intimidating barriers of self-publishing and watching the excitement build in the audience is why I do what I do.
Here’s a snapshot from the event that captures the spirit of the day:
June is shaping up to be an incredibly busy and exciting month! I’m deep into the concept designs for the cover of my upcoming book release – an urban fantasy, horror collection titled Tattoos on Dead Tree Flesh. The creative process has been thrilling, and I can’t wait to share the potential covers with you all.
Starting the first week of June, we’ll be holding a cover voting contest on my social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter). I would love for you to be part of this journey! Your opinion matters, and I’m eager to see which artwork resonates most with you.
Head over to my social media pages and cast your vote.”

Member result of the month – Testimonial
Each month we feature results from one of our Magical Living community members!
“[The program] was a completely transformative experience for me. I came into the program kind of in a rut. I had been feeling stuck in my career. I felt stuck creatively. I was generally just kind of down. After participating in the program I ultimately had a massive change. I looked at some resentments. I made some apologies. I really thought about the changes I wanted to make in my life and everything changed from there.
Instead of waking up each day feeling kind of stuck, I started making steps to be able to make the changes I needed. Within a few months of joining the program, I had found a new apartment. I was able to have a space I enjoyed. I was able to get un-stuck creatively. I was able to write so many cool new things and really improve the quality of my work.
Speaking of work, I also felt I had a massive career boost through participating in this community. I had been feeling stuck in my career, and honestly it’s a career I had just fallen into. It wasn’t something I had chose. But since participating in the community, I was able to really take control of what direction I wanted to go in. I was able to discover the path that I wanted to take and then work with my employer to move into that department. Within a year of being in the program, I was able to make that career move that I had so desperately needed. Now, I get to do some pretty big things for a company I absolutely love. I’m so grateful to be able to have been a part of this community and have these life-changing experiences.”
Kaisi H.
My book Pleasure Thresholds is on Amazon! You can get it here: https://amzn.to/3TUBily
Get a personal video message from me here: https://b5events.com/store-2/a-message-from-patricia/
Claudia Christian DARK LEGACIES signed copy: https://b5events.com/store-2/autographed-dark-legacies-comic-by-claudia-christian/
Babylon 5 Series on Blu Ray HERE: https://amzn.to/3tDABnO
Babylon 5 : The Road Home (animated- various formats): https://amzn.to/47icXe7
❣️We get a little percentage from Amazon when you use our link for shopping. Thank you!
Stay in touch!
Keep in touch with me on social media by clicking the icons below to view my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. There’s lots going on, so make sure to follow/subscribe and say hi!
Follow my Quest Retreats accounts for travel updates and more!
Become a Talisman Apprentice!

Step into a world of endless opportunities!
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey where the realms of Sci-Fi and Fantasy converge with personal growth and development?
As a Talisman Apprentice, you have a unique opportunity to build confidence, overcome challenges, and achieve success while being supported by a community of like-minded enthusiasts. Let me share with you some practical strategies that will help you along the way.
The Talisman’s Apprentice level is the perfect way to try out the Magical Living community. This is a way you can dip your toe in!
- LIVE Monday Meditations with Pat in Circle
- News & Updates with our member exclusive email
- Exclusive Magical Living Community on our private platform, Circle.
- The Gaming Guild hosted by Gamemaster Mike
- Watch party every month and voting rights for the next film or show
We look forward to welcoming you, Talisman!
Become a Talisman Apprentice here!
Who is Patricia Tallman?
You can learn more about me here!
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Patricia, founder of Magical Living
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