I deeply believe we are meant to achieve our dreams. I believe those dream goals are the path we are to walk. Along that path is the purpose of your life; to meet the people you are meant to meet, to learn the lessons meant for you, to build the skills and experiences that become your tools, to be the person who you are meant to be.
Don’t leave your dreams in a dark closet.
Let me help you create the map that will get you to where you dearly want to go.
Your Morning Motivation
This section will be a thought to help you set yourself up for a more purposeful day. It can be a very simple thing to add a bit of focused intention to your day.
How to use this section:
- Pick one thing to focus on today. I’ll make a suggestion below, but it can be whatever is right for you.
- Write it down somewhere you’ll see it several times a day. Bonus if you add in why you chose it and how it will make a change in your day/life.
- Set a timer on your phone, 4x today to look at your intention.
- At the end of the day write down how it went, what did you notice, and what you might want to try tomorrow.
Today’s Morning Motivation: Remember why you are so excited about those dreams of yours. You have them for a reason!
The Focus:
It might take some courage. Take a look at the goals you have made. Or the goals you would make if you could believe you’d achieve them! Now list out why. WHY do you want to achieve that goal? All the reasons, and go deep. How would you feel? What would it mean for your family? What would it change for you? You WHY is a super power jet fuel for those dreams. If you don’t have a powerful WHY, maybe that’s not a real goal?

Thought for the month
New Habits for Old Goals
Taking slow deep breaths, pull out your 2024 goals that you made for New Years. You did make them, didn’t you? If you didn’t, why not?
Because it’s too disappointing when you don’t achieve them?
I know that feeling well.
Look at the goals. What would you need to learn to make this happen?
Going for any goal, no matter how exciting or how badly you want it, requires some new skills. You need to learn something new. How do I know that? Because if you already knew how to do it, you’d have reached that goal you set.
You already know how to do the thing? Ah. You might know it, but you don’t know how to DO it. You don’t know how to make it a consistent thing yet. Consistent enough to actually achieve a goal.
The good news is this is not your fault! It’s how we are wired. And it’s totally doable to bypass that wiring in an easy peasy way. Goals do not have to be a struggle. They can be more like a treasure hunt.

What you need is a map.
This month my community is starting the Power Your Progress Academy.
This is exactly what we started to do on April 1st. Bypass the part of the brain that resists change.
Pull out those goals. Write them down again. I am going to share with you right now the first thing we are doing to keep that Fear Dragon™, what I call the amygdala, quiet so we can get going on those dream goals. The dragon doesn’t want you to make any changes so it will throw out all kinds of reasons why you shouldn’t bother.
Those reasons sound reasonable, sometimes they are bullying.
This is the first new thing you need to learn to go for the things you want in life.
Here are practical steps for creating a map towards any changes towards your goals.
- The Fear Dragon wants to keep you in the cave. Look for the Faces of Fear it uses that works on you. What is your brain saying about those goals? Write it out in your logbook. All the reasons it says you can’t/shouldn’t go for your goals. You might have to dig in to get started. Be brave. It’s will help you heal those yucky voices and limiting beliefs.
- Progress takes consistency. Your brain will resist change, remember. So sneak up on it.
Create little changes, not big massive ones. Get up 10 minutes earlier, not an hour! Just get started in bite size steps. Keep the Fear Dragon all curled up and asleep so it doesn’t notice you making changes.
- Have a community for support. It can be an accountability buddy, or a group. Just have someone you can check in on, and report to each other what you are going to do and then what you have done. Have a buddy to go to the gym with. Studies show that people who have some accountability and support are over 75% more likely to achieve the goal! Set yourself up to win!

- More mapping: Keep your goals in front of you with anchors and a vision board.
- Put time in the calendar to work towards the goal. If it ain’t on the calendar it ain’t gonna happen!
- Make changes in phases. Every week or so, step up what you are doing. This is more of that mapping out process.
- Join the Power Your Progress Academy!
In the PYP Academy, I give my members Phases to implement the changes they need to make. This is a great technique to create new habits without freaking the dragon out! Change is hard enough. You don’t need a full grown dragon in your way.
We work together in Focus Guilds for new friends and accountability.
I send daily emails of thoughts and inspiration, plus a daily short meditation.
We have weekly workshops on developmental topics to keep growing towards those dream goals. And we develop those new habits that support the life you want.
If you are interested in joining us, click here!
Your map is the plan you need to make to have significant and lasting progress towards whatever you want in life. If you haven’t reached your goals, this is the reason. You need to have resources to help you troubleshoot the blocks that show up when you push towards something you want.
You need a plan.
You need support.
You need someone to believe in you when you can’t believe in yourself.
That’s what I am here for.
Cheering you on!
Journal prompt:
(Each month I will give you a thought to fire up your mind. Use journaling prompts over and over again and see how the result changes.)
Let’s continue with the WHY. What do you want to do and why? What do you want to change? How can you start to make small little steps so you don’t wake up the Fear Dragon? There will come a time when you are ready to take it on, but to get started, create small steps.
When will you start taking those steps? Put it on the calendar!
Our Quest Travel Adventures

We really love Hawaii. Since 2014 when I came here to do a convention called Hawaiicon, I try to visit every year or so. It turns out Glenn, my husband since 2022, has also been a fan of the Big Island, and a frequent visitor. Sometimes the parallels in our lives previous to each other blow me away.
I didn’t have a lot of money to take fancy vacations! But I did have skills, and I could trade on those to make myself valuable enough to be sponsored over here for a working holiday. That’s how I have managed most of my travels.
When I found plane tickets to take us to the Philippines through Hawaii, I got very excited and we booked a stop here for a few weeks. I needed to recover from a chest cold. The Los Angeles pollution gets to me, and needs to come out!
Plus I could take my new hip out for some hikes and snorkels. Get it into some shape!
The air here is so clean and soft. I LOVE getting up early to get some writing done and be in my own thoughts. Waking up early in Hawaii had a lot of benefits. One of my favorites are the sounds of the birds.
Francoline, little zebra doves, myna birds, red cardinals, green parrots and many others I do not know yet. They wake and chatter with each other, planning their days. It builds to a crescendo then quickly tapers off as they go about those plans.
The moon was full this week and I got up early enough to watch it set, as the new sunlight on the clouds changed moment by moment, and I watch the distant sea, looking for signs of the last whales of the season.
Earlier this week we watched from shore, having been out for a snorkel, as a baby whale frolicked directly out in front of us. Then another baby joined in, a ways away from our ‘little’ one, making colossal splashes with their massive bodies, clearly enjoying themselves. Then mama joined in. Holy moly. We oohed and clapped and finally ran for our phones. We waited for another 5-6 minutes but they had moved on. I have a lot of footage of the quiet ocean.

The visibility has been pretty bad since we got here. Wave action has stirred up a lot of sand and makes it hard to see much of anything. The reefs get covered.
It’s still wonderful to be in the ocean, and we still swim for an hour. Optimistic.
On Saturday we will head out for a tiger shark dive out of Honokohau, the harbor here on the Kona side. I’m ambivalent about seeing sharks. Maybe it will be good for me. But I understand this is a pretty dive even without sharks, and I should get at least this one dive in before we head for the Philippines where we will be on a dive boat for a week. Hopefully we will get some good pictures and I can share them next month! The visibility is often better a bit deeper.
I am posting on my Quest Retreats travel social media accounts (Facebook and Instagram). Please give me a follow! My photos will be going up there.
By next month we will be in the Philippines! Happy Spring!

Member result of the month – Testimonial
Every month I showcase results from members of my Magical Living programs!
“I have enjoyed these classes immensely, and I’ve gained some insights for my personal growth and also tools for working with my own, future clients. Your open heart, your calm, generous spirit are a wonderful inspiration to me. I consider you a role model, a warrior who overcame your own personal battles, who now leads others through the darkness with great love, patience, and compassion.
I believe that through our excursion and this class, the universe crossed our paths for a reason. You’ve taught me to listen, to watch for the messages that the universe sends. You’ve shown me how to love without judgment, to look for the hidden gems (or the fuscia feathers!) and to embrace life and overcome fear. And I believe the universe has sent me not only a cherished teacher and guide – but someone I consider a friend – and I am extremely grateful.
Thank you for all you do. This world needs you!”
-Sally S
The B5Events store is currently closed for the sale of physical items, but you can still check out replays of our past events with my sci-fi alumni here: https://b5events.com/
Babylon 5 Series on Blu Ray HERE: https://amzn.to/3tDABnO
Babylon 5 : The Road Home (animated- various formats): https://amzn.to/47icXe7
❣️We get a little percentage from Amazon when you use our link for shopping. Thank you!
Stay in touch!
Keep in touch with me on social media by clicking the icons below to view my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. There’s lots going on, so make sure to follow/subscribe and say hi!
Follow my Quest Retreats accounts for travel updates and more!
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Patricia, founder of Magical Living
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