Motivational Magic eZine: Issue Nine (January 2024)

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Motivational Magic eZines | 0 comments

Happy New Year!

To inspire you, I’m going to be really straightforward with ya. We have an opportunity this new year to show up even more fully, even more powerfully, even more lovingly, with integrity and yes, courage. 

It takes guts to be fully yourself in the face of disapproval. 

There’s immense pressure socially to be a certain way in your circle. To be different and completely truthful is very hard, sometimes dangerous.

And there are ways we can be more fully ourselves, even more so than we have before.

Even if you feel you ARE yourself, and you don’t let outside forces intimidate you, there are often barriers INTERNALLY. 

Old blocks and limiting beliefs are tricksters. They hide themselves so well, we barely notice they are there. Yet there are almost always signs. 

One of the best ways I know to make these internal barriers drop their guard and reveal themselves is by going for your dream goals. 

When you push towards a goal, something really important to you, the Limiting Belief will pop up very clearly.

That Limiting Belief has been successful so far! So be prepared, it will be a tough one. I know that because it’s tricked you for this long. It’s something you actually have believed up until now. 

Personally, I needed help to see them clearly and then come up with strategies to disarm them. And that’s why I created the Magical Living Community. Life isn’t Done-in-One. It’s an ongoing process. You need constant support, insights, and friendship. There are tools to learn and skills to build. 

I’m here to help you with that and we have some incredible people in this community ready to cheer you on. 

Keep going through this month’s magazine and see what comes up for you. It could be a clue to one of those tricky limiting beliefs! 🙂

Your Morning Motivation

This section will be a thought to help you set yourself up for a more purposeful day. It can be a very simple thing to add a bit of focused intention to your day.

How to use this section:

  • Pick one thing to focus on today. I’ll make a suggestion below, but it can be whatever is right for you.
  • Write it down somewhere you’ll see it several times a day. Bonus if you add in why you chose it and how it will make a change in your day/life.
  • Set a timer on your phone, 4x today to look at your intention.
  • At the end of the day write down how it went, what did you notice, and what you might want to try tomorrow.

Today’s Morning Motivation

The Focus: I have done hard things before and I can do it again. My dream goals are worth it.

Thought for the Month

A little bit of real talk now. Sometimes we need a reminder of who we really are. To remember the bigger dreams and goals. 

I want you to know you can do it. Stretching for those bigger goals puts you on the path you are meant to be on.

You’ll meet people you are meant to meet, you’ll learn things you need to learn to be the person you know you can be. 

You’ll have adventures. You’ll be the hero of your own story.

This is the time to look deeply into our own eyes and ask why, with our abilities and insights, are we playing so small?

Why are we letting social media manipulate us, the news to distract us? We know it is. 

Why are we not building better habits, doing the work it takes to make our lives into the vision we have for ourselves and our families?

Why are we participating in the mendacity of the masses? 

It’s time to cut that shit out. 

We know what to do to get started. We have an infinite resource of information. There are people all around us  who can help.

Why are we not standing up for those who need help? 

Are we really going to let the opinion of others stop us from living in integrity?

Do we respect ourselves so little we cannot live our lives according to our values? 

We have been given a great gift of this life. All the comforts we have, the safety we have been gifted by living in the countries we live in, and it means very little if we do not use our beneficial circumstances as a platform to take off for those dream goals and desires. 

To help others. And to love full out. To love life, to learn to love ourselves, and to be open hearted and love other people. 

What do you need to help you live the way you want to? And don’t say money. You can live intentionally exactly the way you know you can right now. You’ll be the same person with money as you are without. Your heart is either open or not. You are living within your values or not. You are engaged in actively being or you are sitting on the couch.

I work with a lot of people for the kids of Penny Lane. Not ONE of us has an excess of money. They all have huge hearts and are actively engaged in doing something they believe in, for a cause they care about. You can too. Right now.

Volunteering at Penny Lane

Be alive in this new year in a way you haven’t before. Live in a way you can be excited about. NO it’s not easy. NO it’s not straightforward. BUT it’s SO WORTH IT.

Steps to get you started and build some momentum.

  1. Be around people who are doing it. Whatever it is you think you might want to do.
  2. Identify your values and what things amp you up. For me it’s kids, and some political causes such as equality.
  3. Start looking for ways to volunteer in person.
  4. Make that Magical Living Vision Board and do it!* Work on your goals.
  5. Find someone you can do these things with. (i.e. I had a couple of people I would text when I could picket on the SAG strike lines this summer. There was always SOMEONE I could meet. Someone would text me they were picketing and I’d be inspired to get off my duff and meet up with them. I made a costume to go out and “SHAME nun” people in character, even when I was alone.)

6. Be prepared to be uncomfortable. It’s ok. It’s a process. You’re tougher than you think and you can do hard things. You are the hero of your story. 

7. Really limit the time you spend on activities that DO NOT move the dial towards the life you want. For example: Scrolling, TV watching, news, drinking, shopping, any “stuffing” activity. Reclaim that time for reading personal development, journaling, walking, and meditation.

8. Join a group like Magical Living that gives you support towards what you want to do.

You CAN change things to have a life that feels magical. It takes being uncomfortable because of those limiting blocks. They have been there a long time, so uncovering and dissolving them is sometimes tricky, often yucky, but not for long. It’s all a disguise to keep you from progressing. Your Fear Dragon (what I call the amygdala) is just trying to keep you safely in the Cave and on the couch. It doesn’t know anything about dreams and goals! It just doesn’t want you to change because it thinks any kind of change is dangerous.

I say NOT changing is dangerous. Not living honestly, in the development of your passions and dreams, leads to regret and disappointment. 

And you are too important, too valuable to stay in that Cave. We need you.

Cheering you on!

Patricia Tallman

*Magical Living Vision Board workshop. You can learn more here!

Journal prompt: 

(Each month I will give you a thought to fire up your mind. Use journaling prompts over and over again and see how the result changes. Try setting out a logbook near your coffee pot or on the desk or nightstand, and every day write down something you noticed that caught your imagination.)

When was the last time you were really going for it? When you are living in a way that’s authentically YOU, life feels magical. Things flow. What could you go for now that would really be exciting? Even terrifying but worth it? Dare to write it down now. 

Dream into it. But on some epic film score soundtracks and envision going for it. What comes up?

Affirmations for the New Year


This accompanies my New Years Eve ritual of Releasing and Renewing! You can follow along here:

One – I embrace all the opportunities and blessings that 2024 brings.

Two – I release any fears and doubts that block me from achieving my goals.

Three – I deserve love, joy, and abundance in all areas of my life.

Four – I trust in my abilities and have confidence in my decisions.

Five – I am grateful for the lessons of the past and excited for the growth and possibilities of the future.

Six – I attract positive energy and surround myself with supportive and uplifting people.

Seven – I am open to new experiences learning and personal growth.

Eight – I choose to manifest a year filled with happiness and success.

Nine – I let go of comparison and embrace my own unique Journey.

Ten – I am capable, resilient, and ready to overcome any challenges that come my way.


I released anything in life that no longer serves me, for the good of all.

I’ll stand up for myself and others.

I’ll choose to water the seeds of communal compassion.

I’ll honor my need for silence and I’ll create moments of reflective solitude.

I surrender to Nature as my guide and my temple.

Our Quest Travel Adventures

My current adventure is having a hip replacement and healing up!

I’ve been hindered by my hip for at least 8 years. It was on and off until about 3 years ago when it became constant, but manageable. Then, it was just constant and the only “managing” was not to do much of anything! 

After the Pandemic it was hard and harder to be able to kickbox. Then I couldn’t walk more than a mile. When I created my Africa trip, and planned a bush walk, I had to include a back-up jeep. I finally had to get real. I needed help.

We have been in Los Angeles since July, navigating our so-broken healthcare system. (We need to figure this out, folks, it ain’t working.)

Once I am walking again we will take off and I’ll update you.

Meanwhile, here’s an article I wrote about Travelogging!

Member Result of the Month

(Each month, we’ll be spotlighting a member from my Magical Living membership program for personal growth!)

“…Over the 2 years that I was dipping in and out of the sessions and programmes and communities I found wisdom, shared experiences and people who were inspiring and awesome at a time when things were very difficult for me. I had stopped going to church in 2017 after realising that after almost 50 years of trying to ‘fit in’ I just did not, and that effort and energy was best spent elsewhere–but just how and where was a whole new adventure… it was as if I was a refugee without my country and having to make new paths by myself.

By 2018 I was back working full-time across various jobs/contracts, trying to support my family and at the same time trying to re-establish or find a new path to walk that was true to what I felt deeply within. It was lonely and… to be honest during the time of Covid lockdowns I was able to face and work through so much, and this is where B5/ Magical Living just played such a huge part of me moving from caterpillar to butterfly.  

Being a deeply spiritual yet practical person, I found these sessions just wonderful and what I did not expect was to find myself almost without realising growing in confidence within as I found my own self-worth and value. Asking for a pay increase, insisting on being paid for what I considered a fair contractual fee for my work, to stepping out and embracing new challenges such getting an old but wonderful second hand Harley Davidson customised trike, taking on Egyptian folk dancing again albeit 30 years older and finally stepping out and getting into LARP (live action role play) all of which have opened up my world.

Making new friends, finding people who are like minded in their love for environment, life, people, learning etc with open minds and hearts.

I was no longer odd but belonging and being and very much accepted as me in all my quirky ADHD colours and respected me for who and what I am as well as just believing I can do and would support me in doing them.  

A clay heart being held in front of a rainbow.

Pat has a great ability to hold space for a great diversity of people, cut through the crap but with respect and compassion, uses stories and experiences of her life to help walk and guide folk through challenging issues to find positive and practical paths to realising new lives and ways of living. I certainly benefited within myself as a person, but also within my consultancy (work is coming to me like crazy), social life and within my marriage and family. It also helped me help myself as I took steps to take greater care of me.

The acceptance and positive approach of Patricia and others meant I could without judgment or shame just face me and my issues and be open and honest and deal with them …As I face a new phase in my life i.e will be 60 in April 2024 I know with confidence that I will be a more whole, free, healthy me that can walk in confidence in all my colourful kaleidoscope beingness, whether I buoyant and lively or quiet and contemplative what ever I am, I can just be me.  

Would I recommend Patricia and Magical Living? HELL YEAH. It is a fantastic and powerful programme and community that is just life changing… Patricia and those she brings along are just awesome, but very human and so so approachable which is very special. It is very much worth the money and time… Magical Living certainly played a major role in changing how I walk within myself today. Thank you, Pat!”

– Janice, UK

Learn more about A Year of Magical Living here!

Stay in touch!

Keep in touch with me on social media by clicking the icons below to view my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. There’s lots going on, so make sure to follow/subscribe and say hi!





Follow my Quest Retreats accounts for travel updates and more!




Become a Talisman Apprentice! 

Step into a world of endless opportunities!

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey where the realms of Sci-Fi and Fantasy converge with personal growth and development?

As a Talisman Apprentice, you have a unique opportunity to build confidence, overcome challenges, and achieve success while being supported by a community of like-minded enthusiasts. Let me share with you some practical strategies that will help you along the way.

The Talisman’s Apprentice level is the perfect way to try out the Magical Living community. This is a way you can dip your toe in!

  • LIVE Monday Meditations with Pat in Circle
  • News & Updates with our member exclusive email
  • Exclusive Magical Living Community on our private platform, Circle.
  • The Gaming Guild hosted by Gamemaster Mike
  • Watch party every month and voting rights for the next film or show

We look forward to welcoming you, Talisman!

Become a Talisman Apprentice here!

Be A Santa Update

WE DID IT! We reached out $15,000 goal AND received a grant of $10,000!

I’m embarrassed to say I honestly prepared myself for the very real possibility that we wouldn’t make the goal. BUT, thanks to all of you, we did.


It made such a difference for these kids. I have heard from kids who were in the Penny Lane group homes that have come back to help volunteer for the Be A Santa days.

They said that they know first-hand how much this little program of ours meant to them, and they want other kids to feel the same way. To know that people out there care.

AND they can give back now too, as adults themselves, and make a difference in kids lives.

Thank you all you amazing people. You are truly angels for these kids.

You can STILL donate! We take donations year-round.

Direct donation link

Here’s the address for cheques and sending gifts! Please let us know you sent in a gift so we can make sure it’s credited to Be A Santa, and we can thank you! Email us at

Penny Lane / Be a Santa

C/O Nydia Barakat

10526 Dubnoff Way

North Hollywood, CA 91606

Other ways to help and donation info at bottom of page

About Penny Lane

Who is Patricia Tallman?

You can learn more about me here!

Get Updates Every Month

Thank you for reading! If you would like these updates delivered straight to your email inbox every month, you can subscribe to the monthly magazine here.


Patricia, founder of Magical Living

If you want to book me for a podcast or event, get in touch here!

If you have any questions or suggestions, I’d love to hear from you by replying to this email. 

Anyone else collect rocks, crystals and fossils? I just found these little cases for them!

Babylon 5 Series on Blu Ray HERE:

Babylon 5: The Road Home (animated- various formats) :

❣️We get a little percentage from Amazon when you use our link for shopping. Thank you!

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