Motivational Magic eZine: Issue Four (August 2023)

by | Aug 2, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

We are doing something a little different this month!

Join us for 5 Days to Create Your Magical Morning Routine!

Why create a morning routine?

Having a productive morning routine is no accident. Most habits are formed unconsciously, and we just do them whether they are good for us or not. Then we become stuck in a convenient but unproductive, maybe even destructive, habit.

You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine. -John C. Maxwell

Science shows that a productive morning routine can supercharge your day.
Applying it consistently can change your life!

You’ve got to speak those dreams of yours into existence every single day ~ Brendon Burchard

I know how hard it is to implement a new routine or create a better habit, even when we want to!
So I am inviting you to join me for a LIVE 5 Day Morning “Wake Up With Pat” challenge based on our Morning and Evening routines eBook.

Join me for 5 days August 7th-11th at 8am PDT LIVE, or get the replay.

Click here for all the info!

Thought for the Month

Habit rehearsing

Let’s chat a bit more on Habits. I know, I know!

I keep on going on about this!

Yet, I think most of you are struggling with creating some new, desired habits. I want to help.

Science shows that habit formation isn’t about the time such as the old myth that it takes 21 days to break or establish a habit. 

It’s about how many times you actually DO the intended new habit.

#BrainFunFact = The brain doesn’t differentiate between an actual experience and an imagined experience. It believes what you imagine as much as a real experience.

SO! I thought of something. As an actor, I have spent thousands of hours rehearsing my intended performance.

An actor starts rehearsing by themself, reading their script, and envisioning their journey through the world of the piece.

It’s a beautiful journey.

Started alone,

And then joined by the other cast members, 

and the guide (director, and maybe playwright) 

all through the life of the piece all the way til the culmination to a performance on the Opening Night, or shoot day if it’s film or television, it becomes a total collaboration.

I love the process so much. And it’s a process that has delivered me safely through a career of harrowing stunts as well.  

Many stunts I had to do were not able to be rehearsed physically. I could walk through the action or go ‘half speed’ but I could only crash the car once, for example. Or be set on fire. Or jump off the building. Or be eaten by a T-Rex. 

Pat doing a stunt leaping into the air.

Stuntpeople envision the stunt they are to perform over and over again, seeing it go perfectly in their imaginations, and when cameras roll, they are ready to deliver a perfect piece of action, safely.

Now, I thought, why couldn’t we apply that to creating a better set of habits for ourselves?

We could shorten the numbers of repetition, achieve habit building quicker, by doing it in our imaginations!

Try this:

1) Lay down on your bed.

2) Imagine getting up in the morning, and going through your morning routine as outlined in your PDF.

3) Envision yourself going through those suggestions.


Do a ‘walk through’! Rehearse it on your feet!

  1. Lay in bed
  2. Acting as if and pretending to wake up and have a walk through of how you think you would like your morning routine to go. Do every motion you can think of. 
  3. BONUS! See yourself enjoying it! Feeling great! Having insights! Making progress! And it’s actually EASY!!!
  4. Make adjustments where needed. For example, Maybe you find you want to do the gratitude list when you journal. That’s fine as long as you do it! Gratitude sets you up for an abundant mindset and helps you achieve those prosperity goals.


Do it the next morning!

When you find yourself waiting in line, at a stoplight or taking a break during the day, rehearse the routine again. The more often you rehearse it, the sooner it will become a habit! 

Do the same for your evening routine.

I found when I started doing this, I was going through the morning without even thinking about it too much! I also found it not only was easier but I was enjoying it, just as I had envisioned!

But the really freaky thing was my evening routine: I had envisioned not watching TV with my husband for as long after dinner. I envisioned after one show, going upstairs and doing my evening questions, movement routine and some mental relaxing instead. I was worried my husband might feel left out, so I envisioned him being fine with it, maybe joining me, but I was open to how that would go because it’s not for me to decide what he wants to do!

I could feel after the one show I was actually ready to go start my evening routine! That’s a win right there. I asked Glenn, I’d like to go do my thing now instead of watching more, is that ok with you? And he said yes! In fact he had things HE wanted to do! 

I tell you this stuff is magical.

You can fine tune your new routine to fit your life and goals. Just try not to leave anything out. Instead, find a way to incorporate the new habits.

And yes, you actually have to DO the desired habit to reap the benefits.

Before Sleep:

Reimagine your morning routine. Keep seeing it go better and better in your mind’s eye. Just taking a minute or two to see yourself accomplishing your morning habits goals will help so much! Show the RAS how it can help you!

The Routine:

Upon waking, before you get out of bed, think of 5 things you can be grateful for.

High 5 yourself in the bathroom mirror

Drink a glass of water- 16 ounces

Move Your body, stretch for 15 minutes or do Yoga. (I like this one from Lucas at Yogabody-science based yoga! )


Take in some inspiration.

Answer some set-the-day-up questions.

Then go about your day!

If you have other things that you do to maximize your well being in the morning, that’s great! My suggestions have a basis in science but they are just suggestions to get you started. I find that when I am trying to make changes, it’s helpful to follow a tried and true template to get me out of the old and into the new.

When you feel like you have a handle on the new habits you want to create, you can adjust as you discover what you need and is effective for you.

But don’t let your Dragon drag you back into the cave. 

In the evening, set yourself up to win by some simple tasks you do every night for the next day.

Prepare for your morning by laying out your work out clothes, put your water bottle out, journal and pen, the sort of tasks to make it easy on yourself in the morning! You can imagine yourself getting up and going through your routine as you set it up. 

The more you can see yourself successfully achieving your desired habit, the quicker it will become easier to establish.

And look! Some things we never LOVE doing! I have never looked forward to going to the gym. But I did it for decades, 5 times a week. I loved the feeling of being fit, and I needed that strength. And that was how I stayed on track. My WHY.

Then I had a few things that supported that: My schedule was designed around the times I wanted to be in the gym. I had a workout partner I adored and I could at least look forward to seeing him. I laid my clothes out the night before, and just got up and put them on. I had a great cup of coffee when I got up as a reward well… for getting up! (Do you use rewards for yourself? Share in the group!)

I also made it non negotiable. Truly set in stone. Unless I was dying or out of town, I went to the gym. And that was what made me so successful at that habit. I trained my brain for the result I wanted using what I am sharing with you here.

Now I am working on other new habits, just like you!

Let’s just get you going on with your new habits!

Cheering you on!

Journal Prompt

(Each month I will give you a thought to fire up your mind. Use journaling prompts over and over again and see how the result changes.)

What were 3 things I learned in the past month about myself? What can I do to maximize what I learned to propel me towards my dream goals? How can I support myself to become the best version of ME? What new thing could I learn?

Our Quest Travel Adventures

There’s just something about seeing Glenn in Assisi. He’s so in his element! It’s a beautiful city, high on a hill, beautifully everywhere you look. Then add in my handsome husband, who is delighted by everything he sees, and it’s almost more than I can bear. 

Cats in Assisi.
Cats in Assisi.

Even the steep climb up cobblestone streets didn’t dampen his enthusiasm (or mine) and as we admired the views of the farmland and olive grove below. We were double rewarded by three kitties lounging in the sun. Cats have been scarce here in Italy. Once there were an abundance of them, but even in Rome cats have been hard to spot.

This was an auspicious sign! And then I spotted some wonderful ironwork (so renowned in Assisi specifically and in Italy in general) in the shapes of dragons! 

And good omens they were!

Do not miss Assisi when you get the chance to visit Italy. A small but mighty city.

And be sure to find the Bar Guardino San Lorenzo! It’s a little café up near the top of the town along a huge flight of stone steps. You are gifted with the most beautiful garden and incredible view you ever enjoyed a cup of coffee or glass of vino with!

We didn’t need a refreshment, but had one anyway so we could enjoy this beautiful little spot.

Assisi is a very important city for Catholics and you’ll see many pilgrims here. The day we visited, we met a few groups of African women, wearing matching dresses and head wraps made from colorful fabric of prayers and symbols. 

You can visit St. Francis in his rest in the basilica in the center of the city. His tomb is simple, and there is a sense of peace here. In fact Assisi has a very serene vibe. 

Maybe that’s why Glenn was so happy there!

We visited as many of those medieval  hill towns as we could in between working on our own projects. Glenn was finishing his book, ‘The Draejon’, and I have my community, Magical Living. We both have a passion for what we are doing and have to remind ourselves “wait, we are in Italy! Let’s go!”

And we head out the door.

Now you can read all kinds of wonderful travel books and blogs out there, and I have no desire to add to that list. My goal is to help you, dear reader, feel a spark in your life, find peace, joy, and adventure, whatever that might look like to you.

But I have my ideas, fresh from my warped mind.

In Florence, it’s always wonderful to wander the halls of an actual Medici Palace. The Medici, one of the most influential families in history, and being able to visit one of those magnificent buildings is not to be missed. We can now visit one of these palaces in Florence as The Uffizi Gallery.

Shortly after 1550, Cosimo I de’ Medici, Duke of Florence commissioned Giorgio Vasari to build the palace, intending to unite the city magistrates, or rather the “uffizi”, offices, as they were called then, of the administrative departments under one roof.

The Uffizi is FULL of the most gorgeous and important medieval art on the planet.

It’s worth having some guidance going through the building and viewing the art, to get as much as you can out of it. 

I offer this ONE tip: Always look at the background and around the main figures of the piece. 

There are some of the most outrageous things in the background of these amazing pieces. It is my joy to point out all the weirdness and make stories of it for the benefit of my husband.

So I will not spoil it for you but please enjoy the beauty, the color, the sheer talent and the weirdness. Too fabulous.

Stay in Touch!

Keep in touch with me on social media by clicking the icons below to view my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. There’s lots going on, so make sure to follow/subscribe and say hi!





Follow my Quest Retreats accounts for travel updates and more!




A Year of Magical Living: The Science of Magic

The Magical Living community was created to give sci fi and fantasy nerds, like me, a place to gather with others to focus on our dream goals.

Every month, I guide a masterclass on a personal development topic, something I have been passionate about and teaching for over 12 years now.

One of my favorite and most important topic is Uncovering and Dissolving your Core Limiting Beliefs.

A limiting belief is a fundamental conviction that creates a way of looking at life. 

This belief limits what is seen as possible. 

The human brain has instincts for survival built into it. The amygdala is the center for our survival and it’s amazing at its job. I call the amygdala the Fear Dragon™.

Limiting Beliefs #BrainFunFact: Most Core Limiting Beliefs come from our very early years, even preverbal. We don’t question them because we don’t even realize they are there!

The things we learned as a child will still control us today if we let it. 

This masterclass teaches you how to find those old beliefs, and then how to get them to let go, to free you up to follow all those gorgeous dreams of yours!

If you are curious about the YOML and would like to try a masterclass, check out How To Tame Your Fear Dragon, now 50% off for Motivational Magic subscribers!

You can also check out our community and full program The Year Of Magical Living: The Science of Magic here!


Would you like a personal message for you or a friend from me? I’d love to send you one! A Voice Mail message, Special Occasion message, greeting or just a hello.

Image of Pat.

After payment you’ll be able to send Pat an email with your requested message. Pat will shoot a video recorded up to 2 minutes (or so) message for you or your recipient. You can use the video or audio or both.

Click here to get a personal message from me!

Featured Artists

Check out author Franklin Hunting’s short stories on Kindle, from FREE to $2.99 with titles such as:

The Haunted Detective
Robert Browning, a recent college graduate, on his first visit to London gets involved in a murder and a plot to kidnap the Royals. With the help of two unusual friends, he has to solve both the murder and kidnap plot before the police put him in jail.

Go here for more info!

The Draejon by Glenn Morrissey

Glenn Morrissey’s new fantasy novel The Draejon now on Kindle and soon in paperback on Amazon. $9.97.

Something ancient has awakened in the Valley of Blue Waters. Cut off from the rest of the Sirius Ring for three thousand years, life in the land of myths and legends of the once-powerful Talla Empire is about to get very real.

Before dawn on Rusty’s seventeenth birthday, his Magehood Day, he and D’tanya explore a ruin forgotten for ages. There, Rusty has a vision of the future: the Talla Clan will die by midwinter-unless he makes a selfless choice. The vision changes everything and sets him on a path of danger and self-discovery and thrusts him and D’tanya into the center of politics and conflict. Rusty and D’tanya must race against time to find and destroy the Draejons. To do so, they must learn to harness newfound abilities and navigate the challenges of mistrust and betrayal from those around them. 

The revelation that a goddess is among them further complicates matters.

Rusty must learn to lead those who wish him harm, trust in his own abilities, and find hope even amid adversity. 

The Draejon is an epic tale of magic, adventure, and self-discovery. It is a story about a young man and woman who must face their destiny to save the people they love. It is a perfect read for fans of fantasy and adventure.

Check out The Draejon here!

Talisman Apprentice

Join the Talisman Apprentice program!

Get access to LIVE weekly meditations, an exclusive community of personal growth nerds, and so much more for just $7 a month!

Our Magical Living community is all about living a fulfilled life! 

We want all our community to feel included! Patricia is active and present in the group and you can chat!

The Talisman Apprentice level gives you access to an area of the ML community that includes: The Gaming Guild, Watch Parties, and LIVE Monday Meditation with Patricia!

We are not JUST about having the best life, but also the best TIME of our life! Fun and nerdiness seem to be the best combo. 

When you join in as a member, you help to pick the films and TV shows, and the games we play, plus try the Monday Meditations for a weekly reset and mind boost! Join Patricia every Monday for a guided meditation!

Plus you get a weekly email from Patricia on a growth subject and inspiration, with calendar updates.

What you get:

⭐ LIVE Monday Meditations

⭐ Exclusive Circle Community

⭐ News & Updates

⭐ Gaming Guild

For just $7/month!

Thank you for reading!

You can share your comments by replying to this email. I can’t wait to hear from you.

And remember, you truly are magical and you deserve a life that feels that way.


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