I started to feel the hardening of cement around my feet about late January. No it wasn’t a stunt job or a bad construction incident. It was just busy ole life, dragging me down and killing my progress to my goals. Too much to do. Too many obligations. Not enough UMPH in my tired brain.
I had JUST made those dream goals too! End of the year rituals and brushing up my Magical Living Vision Board has become fun for me.
It helps me to clear out all the dreck of day to day living and back into the vision of what I want to create.
This inertia wasn’t totally unexpected.
I knew it could and often did happen.
I wanted to create a way to help blast out of this state. And then I had it.
I’m not the only one who struggles with this! I have a whole awesome group of people that gets together every month. Surely SOME of them could use a hand in energizing their progress!
I thought the Magical Living Community could work together for 6 weeks, 42 days, for a few minutes every day, to add in the new behaviors we know we needed to feel better and get on track to whatever it was we wanted.
42 is a magical number after all!
The Year of Magical Living starts April 1st.
We are unleashing the Power Your Progress Academy to boost you through the inertia and into those dreams you have! More on that later.
Your Morning Motivation
This section will be a thought to help you set yourself up for a more purposeful day. It can be a very simple thing to add a bit of focused intention to your day.

How to use this section:
- Pick one thing to focus on today. I’ll make a suggestion below, but it can be whatever is right for you.
- Write it down somewhere you’ll see it several times a day. Bonus if you add in why you chose it and how it will make a change in your day/life.
- Set a timer on your phone, 4x today to look at your intention.
- At the end of the day write down how it went, what did you notice, and what you might want to try tomorrow.
Today’s Morning Motivation:
I have everything I need to get started on my dream goals. I just need to remember that. My first steps are between my dreams and my daily life. My habits help me build my dream goals.
The Focus: Listen to your body and the thoughts that arise when you are busy doing other things. What comes up?
Thought for the Month
Power Your Potential: Shift from fixed to growth mindset!
Your ‘Potential’ is all the dream goals you have inside you. It’s NOT what other people think you should do. It’s those thoughts that pop up in you in unguarded moments. You may think they are just fantasies. But those thoughts can have a real life version of existence, if you want to activate your growth.

In the bustling world of personal growth and self-improvement, there’s a powerful dichotomy that plays a crucial role in shaping our destiny – the battle between fixed and growth mindsets.
These two contrasting perspectives significantly influence how we approach challenges, setbacks, and ultimately, our life journey.
Let’s delve deep into understanding these mindsets and how a shift from a fixed to a growth mindset can unleash YOUR untapped potential.
A fixed mindset revolves around the belief that our traits, abilities, and intelligence are fixed or static.
People with a fixed mindset are likely to perceive their skills as unchangeable, often leading to a reluctance to embrace challenges and a fear of failure. They tend to avoid risks, view effort as fruitless, and often feel threatened by the success of others.
For example, if someone (like me for a real example) believes they’re ‘not a math person,’ they’re unlikely to seek opportunities to improve their math skills, thereby creating a self-fulfilling prophecy that indeed, they can’t excel at math, and may not ever have the financial success they dream of.
In stark contrast, a growth mindset thrives on the foundational belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed and improved over time.

Time is going to pass anyway, might as well learn something!
It fosters a love for learning and a resilience that proves crucial for great accomplishment.
People with a growth mindset view challenges as opportunities for growth, and they’re not deterred by failure – in fact, they embrace it as a valuable learning experience. Overcoming those faceplants can be a thrill, let me tell ya!
Applying the earlier example, someone with a growth mindset wouldn’t label themselves as ‘not a math person.’ Instead, I’m willing to see my current struggle with math as a temporary state, something I can overcome with effort, persistence, a helping hand, and the right strategies.
So, how can one shift from a fixed to a growth mindset? Here are a few strategies that our Magical Living community will be focusing on:
- Dare to Aspire: Even if you don’t know exactly how to actually reach your big daring goals, you can learn new #BrainFunFacts, and new tools like Fear Busting and Time Blocking to make small steps to massive changes.
- Embrace Challenges: We learn to view every challenge as an opportunity to grow and learn. Instead of avoiding complex tasks, face them head-on and relish the opportunity to stretch your abilities. We add tools and habits that get us to where we want to go!
- Learn from others: We have monthly workshops and special guests who share their techniques for life skills. There is a wealth of knowledge in the Magical Living Library in replays, PDFs and tools.
- Take Inspiration in Heroes: Others have gone before us! We don’t have to reinvent the wheel. There are great mentors we can follow to our dreams.
- Celebrate YOU: Effort is a stepping stone to mastery. Celebrate the effort you put into the journey, not just the outcome. It can be thrilling and joy-filled! This fosters resilience and keeps motivation high, even during tough stuff!
- Find Inspiration in Others’ Success: Instead of feeling threatened by others’ success, use it as a source of inspiration. Seek to learn from their experiences and strategies. And let the community celebrate you!

I have JUST THE THING to root a growth mindset, and unleash this potential in you.
Join me in the Power Your Progress Academy.
Potential is something that sits there, waiting. We are going beyond that to activate it and get it happening for you.
You ARE able to feel more joy, accomplish more in a thrilling and fun way, and have a life that Exceeds Expectations!
Let’s do this. Read about it HERE:
Journal prompt:
✏️ What’s the one thing you would have to change to make the biggest difference in your life right now?
- What would you do to take the first few steps, if you knew you had what it takes?
- What kind of support do you need?
- How can you get that support?
(Each month I will give you a thought to fire up your mind. Use journaling prompts over and over again and see how the result changes.)
Try setting out a logbook near your coffee pot or on the desk or nightstand, and every day write down something you noticed that caught your imagination. What can you notice that gives you appreciation? When did you find yourself being fully present?
Our Quest Travel Adventures

Would I be traveling like this if I didn’t have a partner?
I cannot believe how lucky I am to have this life partner in my husband.
Glenn and I met in 1975. I was 17 and he was 18, and we had both started at the drama department at Carnegie-Mellon University.
Over the ensuing decades we saw each other at friend’s houses and gatherings. Then we finally started dating at the end of 2018.
We got married 2 years ago, in April 2022. I had sold my house, had a hysterectomy, and we flew off to travel for a year, all in 3 weeks time. It was one of the hardest times and the most thrilling. Anyone who has sold and moved out of a family house they have been in for a couple of decades understands this. I never doubted Glenn was my soulmate. We knew it right away.
Two years later we are still traveling. I thought we would be settled down by now, but neither one of us is ready for that. So now, after I have made good progress on recovering from my hip replacement, we are off to the otherside of the world for the next year or so.

Would I be doing this, at 66 years of age, if I were by myself?
I think so.
But it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun. And yes, I can be unnerved and get lonely and feel weird in alien countries all by myself. But I usually find my way.
I am much braver with Glenn by my side. I rely on him. I feel more confident because of him. And it’s amazing to share everything with my ‘Person’. Just incredible.
Part of what makes it all so amazing is that we have all the feelings. We get stressed and frustrated. There are times we have felt uncertain or not enjoyed the place we ended up.
But it all adds color plus appreciation for the beauty and sweetness of all the rest.
We can make big audacious plans and know we have each other and can figure things out as we need to. I am very lucky.

I was going through my photo album from our first leg of the journey in April 2022. We started in Hawaii, Big Island. We love the Big Island and have dear friends there.
Next week, we head back to Hawaii on our way to the Philippines. It just worked out that way. Very auspicious!
I’ll be journaling for you in real time.
One of my ways of looking at the places we end up is through the wildlife. Birds and animals, fish and ocean life, just mesmerize me.
Glenn and I are PADI scuba divers. Together we have explored the ocean off the Big Island, the Red Sea, and next the seas around the Philippines.
I am excited to share with you what we discover along the way.
What is the lens you like to see a region or country through? Food? Adventures? Art and Museums?

BTW, Turkey wins the award for Best Domestic Cat Life. The Turks love their kitties and honor them by caring for all cats. And cats are everywhere! I carried cat treats with me and remember all my kitty friends I met outside mosques, in massive plazas, in restaurants, on every street, in every shop! It was awesome.
Runner up: Greece! Kitties in all the ruins and near every shop and restaurant. The Greeks take care of their cats too.
Happy Trails!
Member Result of the Month
Here’s what one of our members, Chris M. from Germany, had to say about my personal growth program for nerds!
“Benefits of being a part of Patricia Tallman’s Magical Living:
- I can be myself and I get inspiration to be the best part of myself
- Get actionable recommendations to make life more meaningful and how to set a course to success.
- Works for my busy schedule and meditation on Mondays give a big stress relief.
- It’s easy to use!
- It’s not a cookie cutter program that is created for the masses, Pat Tallman provides individualized guidance.
- I feel surrounded by great folks and a very kind and empathic Coach Pat.”
Learn more about how to join Magical Living through our upcoming Power Your Progress program below.
Power Your Progress Academy April 1st 2024

Your year may not be on track yet, jump start it now!
Welcome to Power Your Progress Academy – your Hyperdrive Highway to Success & Fulfillment!
We’re your co-pilots on a thrilling journey to your personal achievement.
Designed exclusively for achievers like you, our academy provides a unique, fast-track route to your dream goals.
*Are your goals and dreams currently feeling like distant galaxies?
*Are you stuck in the orbit of old habits, while your earlier resolutions seem to be disappearing into a black hole?
Navigate through the cosmos of personal development with us!
You’ll get:
⭐ Daily short meditations to help keep you calm and focused, right in your inbox!
⭐ Butt kicking delivered in your …inbox not actually kicking your behind (no matter how effective that might be!)
⭐ 6 Weekly Workshops focused on empowering you to skill up your achievement levels right now!
⭐ 12 Monthly Magical Moment workshops on specific personal development topics designed to boost your progress and dissolve the blocks hindering your efforts in life.
⭐ Personal accountability in the Magical Living community with support and comradery.
⭐ Access to the Year of Magical Program until April 1st, 2025
⭐ And so much more!
The B5Events store is currently closed for the sale of physical items, but you can still check out replays of our past events with my sci-fi alumni here: https://b5events.com/
Babylon 5 Series on Blu Ray HERE: https://amzn.to/3tDABnO
Babylon 5 : The Road Home (animated- various formats): https://amzn.to/47icXe7
❣️We get a little percentage from Amazon when you use our link for shopping. Thank you!
Stay in touch!
Keep in touch with me on social media by clicking the icons below to view my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. There’s lots going on, so make sure to follow/subscribe and say hi!
Follow my Quest Retreats accounts for travel updates and more!
Who is Patricia Tallman?
You can learn more about me here!
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Patricia, founder of Magical Living
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