Hello, you Magical Being you!
I am starting a new fun and helpful thing, and I hope we get to know each other a bit more through it.
Welcome to the first issue of Motivational Magic, the new eZine for Patricia Tallman’s Magical Living Community.
Our goal is to help inspire you, give you something positive to think about and drop in some personal development tidbits.
It’s been my experience that once we learn more about our brain and how it works with our bodies, that understanding unlocks stuck places and we can achieve so much more than we previously thought!
There’s progress in your life in new ways. Goals achieved, dreams realized, things just feel easier and more hopeful. MORE FUN! You can create a life that just feels magical.
I love breaking processes down into small, easy to do steps. Go ahead and make your own version! These are just suggestions to get you started.
You can drop me a line and let me know what you’d love to know more about by responding to this note. I look forward to your suggestions!
Your Morning Motivation
This section will be a thought to help you set yourself up for a more purposeful day. The time just flies by if we don’t give it more meaning! Days, weeks, months! Suddenly we look around and wonder what happened to all that time and nothing has really changed in a way we intended.
It can be a very simple thing to add a bit of focused intention to your day.
How to use this section:
Pick one thing to focus on today. I’ll make a suggestion below but it can be whatever is right for you.
Write it down somewhere you’ll see it several times a day. Bonus if you add in why you chose it and how it will make a change in your day/life.
Set a timer on your phone, 4x today to look at your intention.
At the end of the day write down how it went, what did you notice, and what you might want to try tomorrow.
Today’s Morning Motivation
The Focus: Today I will be more accepting. I accept myself right where I am, right now. I can accept others, right where they are. I know we are all doing the best we can. We have worries, concerns, pains, hopes, dreams…
Everyone is doing the best they can with what they know right now. Including me.
Suffering comes from wishing things were different than they are. We can strive to make changes without needing to suffer.
Pain is inevitable to human life. But we don’t need to keep suffering.
Today I will see what it is to accept what is.
Thought for the Month

I ask my members to do a lot of reflection and journal in their logbooks. I call it “Sherlocking”, a process of sifting through clues in your own minds as a way of making the subconscious conscious. Then you can make choices and changes depending on what you want to achieve.
What is reflection?
Reflection is the process of looking at a period of the past and seeing what you did, why you did it, how it benefited you, or how it taught you something.
Why do we reflect?
Once we effectively reflect the recent past, we can take in the events and happenings of our lives & then we can consider what we want to do now. Learn, grow, adjust. We can be proactive.
If we don’t reflect we are just reacting.
I call it getting blown around by the winds of the world – news, politics, opinions…chaos MADNESS!

The importance
Why look back at all?
If you have been in business, you may be familiar with post mortems, which is when a team in a business looks back after a project or period of time and see:
✏️ What worked?
✏️ What didn’t?
✏️ How could we do better?
✏️ What came out of the process?
✏️ What can we apply to future projects?
✏️ How did we do as a team?
✏️ Did we grow?
✏️ What brilliance emerged?
It’s a wonderfully effective tool we can scavenge for personal use.

Journaling is powerful. I believe there’s an alchemy when we put pen to paper. Our deeper hidden inner selves become revealed, often surprising the author.
Writers know this. It’s a heady process to have the discipline to sit and write every day for hours, producing mostly bullshit until you look back at some point, reading those thousands of words and something wonderful is revealed. And it came from YOU! Powerful stuff.
What can become revealed when you write and reflect isn’t a fiction of your mind but the truth of your soul. It’s magic.
Self reflection is how you get stronger. It’s how we expand. You analyze the recent past in order to become more conscious.
You look back, reflect and then choose, decide, and plan.
How you think about the past, influences how your future unfolds. You will consciously set a tone for your future by using reflection.
So with a sense of adventure, break out that logbook! If you don’t have one yet, I suggest getting a notebook you will love to write in. And pens that feel wonderful in your hand. I love gel pens because they don’t require any effort to use, there’s very little friction, and they don’t tire my hand out as quickly. If you have tools you love, it’s easy to sit down and do the journaling.

Try this:
Look back no further than the last 12 months and pick one happening to journal about. It doesn’t have to be anything major. Just practice with something that comes to mind.
Note the event, and day or month.
Then, ask a few questions:
✏️ What worked, or went well?
✏️ What didn’t?
✏️ How could I have done better, knowing what I did at the time?
✏️ What came out of the process of that event? Made a friend? Got clear on a line that was crossed?
✏️ What can I apply to the future?
✏️ How can I prepare better?
✏️ In a relationship or friendship- How did we do as a team?
✏️ Did we grow?
✏️ What brilliance emerged? New ideas? New path?
Stay kind and curious with yourself!
Journal Prompt
(Each month I will give you a thought to fire up your mind. Use journaling prompts over and over again and see how the result changes.)
What happened today I wish could have gone better and how can I see it as a beneficial and positive learning opportunity? ✏️
Our Quest Travel Adventures
Last April I sold my home, had a hysterectomy, got married, put our stuff in storage, packed our bags and hit the road.
We are still traveling.
I thought I’d give you an update on where we are and what we did every month, until we stop. I have no idea when we will settle back down but we don’t seem to feel a need yet.
My husband Glenn and I started our traveling adventures in Hawaii. We thought it was a logical first step! I needed to recover from all the efforts of moving and the surgery. Plus we just got married.
Hawaii was perfect!
We have friends on the Big Island and just love it there. It feels like home. I shipped my 2006 Honda CR-V over so we’d have wheels. I didn’t have a place for it in Los Angeles anymore anyway.
We rented a few different places to see how we liked various spots on the island. Being right by the ocean is ideal of course. We snorkeled everyday. But you can get to many snorkeling spots a short drive from just about anywhere!
My happy place is in the warm waters of a clear ocean like the coasts of Hawaii.

Recently, Glenn and I were in Egypt. We went because we needed to see the pyramids in Giza, the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, more sites in Aswan and Abu Simbel and then headed to the coast of the Red Sea for a week on a dive boat. I have heard SO MUCH about the glories of the coral and fish in the Red Sea. It just didn’t make sense to be so close and not go diving.
I must say I am so proud of us, two 65 year olds, the oldest by far on the boat, doing 3 dives a day! Scuba diving is incredible and it takes a lot of energy. April on the Red Sea is great but not as warm as it can be in the summer. But the summer in Egypt is NOT the time to visit the country! We wore 5mm wetsuits and I desperately wished I had a hood as well because I got REALLY cold. But it was glorious.
The coral! The beautiful fishes! We even saw an octopus. Heaven.

I have never been in such clear water. And one dive veteran who had been many times to the Red Sea said it wasn’t as clear as it had been on other trips!
The Liveaboard we were on was terrific. The Oceanos is a beautiful boat owned and managed by Angelique, a Belgian woman who created a French diving business in Safaga, Egypt! https://www.oceanos-safari.com/
Talk about a niche!
Everyone onboard spoke French, and were either French or Swiss. Not much English for the 2 elder Americans! But everyone was super friendly and we had a blast.
I like to think we set a great example for the rest of the divers, being much older and still living our dreams. Our story got around- selling our home and traveling the world while working remotely. Maybe we inspired some of them to do the same someday!
Being 3 weeks in Egypt and seeing so many of the incredible archeological sites, I don’t think I need to go back. But for the diving? Hmmm….
For more travel updates and lots of photos check out our travel page on Instagram @Quest.Retreats4Nerds
Member Result of the Month
(Each month, we’ll be spotlighting a member from my Magical Living membership program for personal growth!)

Victoria’s Story
“A few months after joining Magical Living, this group helped me make a big decision. Middle of 2021, I was going through feelings of dissatisfaction and confusion about what I wanted to do for a career. I was trying to choose between staying at a college I was no longer benefiting from for two more years or attending a whole new school in a whole new state. The new school was Tom Savini’s Special Effects Makeup Program.
Special effects makeup was something I enjoyed doing a lot, but during that time I didn’t know if I could ever be good enough to pursue a career in it. After a while of meditation, chatting with the universe, and chatting to myself with kindness and understanding, I was almost confident in what I wanted. What gave me the final bit of courage I needed was the people in Magical Living. Their support and belief in me to find a fulfilling career path helped me keep going. It means a lot to me that I know this group is here to help me when I’m unsure or feeling down.”
A Year of Magical Living: The Science of Magic
I created the Magical Living community to give sci-fi and fantasy nerds, like me, a place to gather with others to focus on our dream goals.
Every month, I guide a masterclass on a personal development topic, something I have been passionate about and teaching for over 12 years now.
Our May topic is Uncovering and Dissolving your Core Limiting Beliefs.
A limiting belief is a fundamental conviction that creates a way of looking at life.
This belief limits what is seen as possible.
The human brain has instincts for survival built into it. The amygdala is the center for our survival and it’s amazing at its job. I call the amygdala the Fear Dragon™.
Limiting Beliefs #BrainFunFact: Most Core Limiting Beliefs come from our very early years, even preverbal. We don’t question them because we don’t even realize they are there!
The things we learned as a child will still control us today if we let it.
This masterclass teaches you how to find those old beliefs, and then how to get them to let go, to free you up to follow all those gorgeous dreams of yours!
If you are curious about the YOML and would like to try a masterclass, you can check out our community and program The Year Of Magical Living: The Science of Magic at this link!
Get a Personal Message from Me!

Would you like a personal message for you or a friend from me? I’d love to send you one! A Voice Mail message, Special Occasion message, greeting or just a hello.
After payment you’ll be able to send Pat an email with your requested message. Pat will shoot a video recorded up to 2 minutes (or so) message for you or your recipient. You can use the video or audio or both.
Thank you for reading my first issue!
I can’t wait to hear from you.
And remember, you truly are magical and you deserve a life that feels that way.
Patricia, founder of Magical Living
If you want to book me for a podcast or event, get in touch here!
If you have any questions or suggestions, I’d love to hear from you by commenting on this post.
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