Revelations from Life Quest LIVE! Summer session 2018
Summer revelations The summer classes are coming to a close and more revelations will be coming in the months ahead. That's how I find these things work. Putting myself in the path of growth can be frustrating, nerve wracking and so confusing. Then the lightbulbs goes...
Steps To Sincere Thankfulness Even When Things Are Shit
When I was at the bottom of The Pit Of Despair, broken, shattered, and my brain was numb, the first thing my sponsor had me do was find things to be grateful for. I thought, is she kidding me? What do I have to be grateful for? I have no money, might lose my house,...
The Many Faces of Fear and How To Tame Your Dragon.
How many times a day do you find yourself not doing something you know you could do to help things change for the better for yourself? Do you ever wonder why? Why you can’t seem to find the motivation to choose differently when it comes to food. Or acting on that idea...
A Year Of Being Intentional
2018 A year of being intentional. Now what do I mean by that? I have been at the mercy of outside forces for most of my life. I found myself reacting to what was happening all around me instead of actually creating exactly what I wanted. I had no idea there was any...
Thanksgiving Steps
I have a very co dependent relationship with Thanksgiving. On the surface of it, what’s not to love about it? 4 days off? All the food you can eat all weekend? Shopping? Family & friends? Kicking off the holiday season with good cheer and a thankful attitude....
How Do You Want To Feel?
It’s that time of year when we are inundated with the topic of setting goals, which means we have to remember the goals we set last year. I have a hard time remembering exactly what my goals were much less if I achieved them. I know that there are all kinds of systems...
*From Pleasure Thresholds- Patricia Tallman's Babylon 5 Memoir, 2011 A word about conventions. The actors who are on the shows that get promoted at cons are a very lucky bunch. You could be on a hit series like ER , but those shows don’t have fans dressing up in...
On being a Nerd
I am a nerd. I am very very proud of being a part of such a vibrant, exciting, intelligent, awesome community of lovely, funny people. I have had the great good fortune of traveling all over the world signing autographs, speaking in large halls and tiny pubs, meeting...
Luck and Leaps
by Patricia Tallman I’m in tears. I leave for Africa in two days. I cannot believe this is my life. I have been asking my higher power to help me to find my way to a point like this. A place where I am overcome with gratitude that my life is the adventure of my...
Accessing the Power of Gratitude
by Patricia Tallman I just wanted to crawl into a hole. If he said one more thing I was going to snap. Why can’t my son just do the one thing I asked him? I feel like such a bitch. Everything is so freaking hard. I realized I was back in that scary miserable place of...
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