Creating a Map for your Life
In the Magical Living community we have a monthly workshop which we call the Monthly Magical Moment. This month is Creating a Map for your Life. There are all kinds of classes, books with guidance on all aspects of business and career. But VERY few on how...
Fall Renewal Series part 4
I think somehow, along the path of life, we get this idea that some people have the ability to do certain things and we just will never do it too. It becomes a belief. Usually these things have to do with physical attributes, like a beauty who is 6’ tall and lithe and...
Fall Renewal Series part 3
The definition of insanity is ‘doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results’.Putting this into personal terms, let’s see where we might be doing this. Let’s look into the past for a moment. Imagine a Family Holiday dinner celebration in your...
Fall Renewal Series Part 2!
We are at home more than ever. Our home space has always had an impact on us. Well, double that now! Triple it! 1000x it!Never underestimate how a little bit of effort can make a tremendous difference in your outlook. My partner, Glenn, moved into my...
The Fall Renewal Series Part 1
September is my birth month! There are a LOT of September babies. I guess we know what our folks were up to New Years Eve! All September, my gift to you in appreciation for your friendship, are a series of 4 notes with my tried and true tips for making the Fall flow...
Make Room For What You Want
One of the best ways I know of to allow in all the good things we have coming to us is simple! Make room for it! Do you hear a lot about decluttering these days? It seems like it is a new cool thing to do. Personally , I find Marie Kondo annoying as...
Accessing the Power of the Force
I believe in The Force. We all are made from it, we can connect to it, and it can help us when we need it. Our culture, as those who love sci fi, fantasy and horror genres, is steeped in it. I'm not talking about religion, I'm talking about our ability to call on...
Support for a New Habit
You’ve done the hard part. You made the choice, got over all the inner objections, and have started that thing you wanted to do. It was so tricky but you did it! In the energy of starting a new thing, there’s a rush of endorphins. The feel good hormones kick in and...
Making A Change
If we are living right, we will make many big changes during our lifetime. I don’t mean the growing and changing of the human body. That’s going on all the time. You’d think we’d be good at making changes! The natural world around us is constantly changing. Our bodies...
5 Things I Learned As A Stuntwoman
5 THINGS I LEARNED AS A STUNTWOMAN Click on the link above! Email me at if you have any problems.
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