Motivational Magic Magazine #22 (February 2025)
Every epic tale begins with a hero who doesn't yet know their true power. Think of Luke Skywalker, a farm boy who believed he was nobody special. Remember Frodo Baggins, who thought he was just a simple hobbit from the Shire. Consider Miles Morales, questioning...

Motivational Magic Magazine #21 (January 2025)
I can’t think of a better way to start a new year than by celebrating YOU! We are SO lucky to have you in our community! And the best way I can thank you, and show my love, is to give you my best. I’m starting 2025 off strong with a wonderful new FREE Masterclass From...

Motivational Magic Magazine #20 (December 2024)
Happy holidays! Here is a recipe you can use as a side dish or make it more crispy for an appetizer for your holiday feasting! Easy Healthy Appetizer Cut a head of broccoli into pretty big florets. • Boil your broccoli for roughly 10-15 minutes, until it's slightly...

Motivational Magic Magazine #19 (November 2024)
First I want to invite you to a couple of cool events so please save the dates: Magical Living Open House with coach and best selling author Anniken Binz on Saturday November 23rd at 10am PT. Registration is Free! Sign up here:...

Motivational Magic Magazine #18 (October 2024)
I just finished another Practical Practice workshop called Make The Next Season The BEST Season. It’s a technique I use when looking ahead for the next 3 months and set myself up to succeed! There’s a simple process I have developed to take the anxiety and...

Motivational Magic Magazine #17 (September 2024)
I have just finished a series of Oz Comic Cons and it was pretty awesome. I am totally used up! Yet, there are still a lot of things I want to do, and NEED to do, as the year edges towards it’s finale. I know what it’s like to want to end the year strong, but...

Motivational Magic Magazine #16 (August 2024)
I love this time of year with summer still happening and autumn sometimes in the air! So much to look forward to! This is a GREAT time to take a cup of tea and look forward to the last weeks of summer, the new weeks of Fall, and the coming holidays to celebrate. So...

Motivational Magic Magazine #15 (July 2024)
Happy July to everyone! Happy summer! July 4th had us Americans thinking of Freedom, hard won and hard earned. Freedom takes work, ironically. In our Monthly Magical Moment, our Magical Living workshop this July we are talking about Freedom from our limiting...

Motivational Magic Magazine #14 (June 2024)
I am currently traveling in Australia. Oz Comic Con is hosting me for 4 shows in June and September, and I am having a blast.In between, Glenn and I are traveling around the country. I am planning a workshop event in Sydney in September. If you are interested, and...
Motivational Magic eZine: Issue Thirteen (May 2024)
It’s a busy time for the Magical Living Community! We have had extra special guests in April and more coming in May! If you are not yet in the community, we are having a FREE open house event with our celebrity writer guest Jessica Brawner. Jessica has a new book out...
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