Motivational Magic eZine: Issue Five (September 2023)

by | Aug 30, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

It’s Fall for those of us in the UK, EU, Canada and USA! 

It’s a refreshing season for the spirit. You have worked and played hard and now it’s time to reap your benefits. 

You have had many successes already this year. High 5! YES! Congratulate yourself and reflect on those wins, beautiful moments and things to be thankful for.

And it’s time to look at how to put plans in place to finish the year strong. 

In preparing for that, it’s really great for your spirit to let some things go. I have some prompts below to spur thoughts on what you can stop doing.

Let’s help you make room for what you want to do NOW.

So put down what isn’t working for you, let go of some of the burdens that maybe aren’t even yours to haul around.

And join me on Monday the 4th to celebrate the season with something special I am going to share with you, my friends, on my birthday. Learn more below!

Your Morning Motivation

This section will be a thought to help you set yourself up for a more purposeful day. The time just flies by if we don’t give it more meaning! Days, weeks, months! Suddenly we look around and wonder what happened to all that time and nothing has really changed in a way we intended.

It can be a very simple thing to add a bit of focused intention to your day.

How to use this section:

  • Pick one thing to focus on today. I’ll make a suggestion below, but it can be whatever is right for you.
  • Write it down somewhere you’ll see it several times a day. Bonus if you add in why you chose it and how it will make a change in your day/life.
  • Set a timer on your phone, 4 x today to look at your intention.
  • At the end of the day write down how it went, what did you notice, and what you might want to try tomorrow.

Today’s Morning Motivation: 

If you could stop doing one of these things from now on, what could it be?

1. Stop spending time and energy on people who don’t lift you up.

They are not your people. Let them be, with love.

2. Stop listening to the negative voice in your head.

Because you ARE capable, and success IS within your reach.

3. Stop resisting change.

Change is the path to growth! It’s inevitable! That’s where the magic happens.

4. Stop trying to control what you can’t control.

It is so liberating when you can accept some things beyond your grasp. Focus on what you can do.

5. Stop playing small so others won’t feel insecure around you.

Shining your light gives others permission to do so too!

The Focus: What can I stop doing today? And what can I START!

Thought for the month

I am doing something to celebrate my birthday and I want to do it with you.

There’s a process I use to get answers on what’s my next right step that I call Sidewalk Oracles. I do a lot of different things to pull answers out of my higher wisdom but this is the Grand Poobah of them all.

Here’s a gift for you! Like a good Hobbit, I give gifts on my birthday. I think this is one of the best things I could do for others.

How to find your next right step, get answers on burning questions, and be more connected with your higher self: the Sidewalk Oracle.

We have SO much knowledge already. There is deep wisdom in each of us. We were born with a powerful and wise intuition, a sense of what is right for us. 

And, we came into the world, in new human bodies, with a connection to something else. Perhaps we all came from that same magical place and we will all go back there when the human body is done. No one knows for sure. But there’s this sense of “more.” There must be more.

I think of it like a vast energy field of impossible beauty.

It’s beyond a human mind to take it all in, or at least it is for me.

Like The Force in Star Wars, there’s incredible resources there if we can remain connected to it.

Or like in the film ‘Avatar’, Eywa, also known as the All-Mother or Great Mother,  the biological sentient guiding force of life, sending guidance to the Na’vi through any living thing on the planet Pandora.

Or maybe it’s just a deeper wisdom we lose our access to because of all the social conditioning we endure as we grow into adults. We are trained to question ourselves and listen to our elders, teachers, clergy, and anyone with a better job than our own.

It’s waaay past time to cry b*llshit on that, reclaim our connection with The Force, your Higher Wisdom, Eywa, Universe, God, (whatever works for you) and find the answers and guidance that’s right for each of us.

It’s a mutant power you have! An inner knowing. A ‘ping’, gut feeling, or maybe your heart speaks to you.

That instinctive other awareness that we had when we were little, that gets drowned out today.

NOW! If all this is too woowoo, let me explain the science!

Our brains are a 3 pound cluster of neuroganglia and its supporting fluids and vessels.

We also have big clusters of neuroganglia in our chest & heart, and in the lower torso in the gut system.

We have wisdom in our bodies, but it communicates much differently than the brain. 

Science is now catching up to the idea that to truly clear trauma like PTSD in soldiers, the body also has to process the traumatic event. Techniques such as EFT, that helps the body to release trapped emotions though tapping on pressure points, has proven to help greatly in this regard.

What that means for us right now is that the body is trying to tell us something, and it needs us to listen. We always tune into our body in our Monday Meditations, practicing to deepen our connection to it and listening to what it might need us to hear.

What is that tightness about? What about the location of anxiety? How can I release that? Why does this ache? What does this flood of excitement mean?

What does it need from me today?

Our bodies are our intuition. We have senses through which we take in millions of bits of information a second!

Our brain filters these bits through the Reticular Activating System down to about 5-7 bits per second. If it didn’t, we’d go mad.

The brain is focusing on what we want it to, usually the task at hand and all the usual chattering of the flying monkeys in there.

Do we miss important clues? All the f*cking time. And some of that is actual life and death. 

I’ll try not to digress but this stuff is SO INCREDIBLY INTERESTING!

There are countless stories about how, before a disastrous event, people find themselves already running, or hiding or walking in their sleep out of the house just as it’s destroyed behind them and they have no idea how it happened.

Angels, ghosts, demons, spirit guides, Dumbledore? 

Nope, your incredible body. This is built into your physiology. 

It overrides your brain in critical moments, if it can.

The brain takes precious seconds to process the info coming into the system, the RAS is filtering away, and the body can’t wait for that. Even the Fear Dragon™  hasn’t woken up yet! The 4 F’s (Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn) haven’t yet been deployed!

So the body has the ability, in VERY rare circumstances, to get you mobilized, without the boss giving it orders.

Our bodies take in all the same millions of bits of info and have a different way of filtering. And it seems to take in more than the brain. Much isn’t known, yet. What we do know is when you feel something and you can’t figure out why, you need to ask the body, not the brain. You ain’t gonna figure it out without consulting the expert: your beautiful body.

This brings us to my gift to you.

We don’t have to be about to perish or save the baby’s life to get messages from our deepest self.

Between the body, the brain and the Force, there are answers for you on all the questions you have.

It’s a combo of becoming clear on a question, relaxing deeply and getting into a meditative state, then taking a walk! You’ll look for clues and then after about 30 minutes you reflect on the answers that popped in.

Okay it’s a bit more involved and there’s a technique to it, but it’s honestly that simple.

During this challenge I’ll lead you through all of that and you’ll have a recording you can use after the challenge ends! Easy peasy!

Please join me on my birthday September 4th at 8am PDT! AND there are more prezzies! Every day there will be a winner for attending!

The Sidewalk Oracles Challenge is 4 days LIVE with Patricia leading you through a simple process to Find Your Next Right Step.

There are answers waiting for you. Answers to the deepest questions you have. And I’ll show you a wonderful way to find those answers in a fun process that can be life changing.

You’ll join me on Zoom at 8am PDT (or enjoy the replay later) and I will guide you through a simple process to become clear on a question or situation, to become free of the stuckness, or see a situation with clarity or finally make a decision on what to do next.

Click to join!

Journal prompt: 

(Each month I will give you a thought to fire up your mind. Use journaling prompts over and over again and see how the result changes.)

I loved this poem by Bruce Lee

“The doubters said,

“Man can not fly,”

The doers said,

“Maybe, but we’ll try,”

And finally soared

In the morning glow

While non-believers

Watched from below.”

Bruce Lee

✏️ What have you put off because you doubt? What if you became a doer? What would YOU try? ✏️

Our Quest Travel Adventures

On Crete, I had 2 of my all time favorite animal encounters that I really didn’t expect!

We went to Greece from Turkey to meet up with Samantha and Zack, Glenn’s daughter and son-in-law. We were going to meet them in Athens on the 30th of October but we were on our way out of Turkey 2 weeks before that so we decided to check out Crete while we waited for them.

I had read about the historic and charming town of Chania and thought it sounded ideal and Glenn wanted to visit the Palace of Knossos, the stars aligned! 

I just want to give Glenn a HUGE shout out here: we rent cars all over the world and he drives! He deals with all the unknowns, the wrong side of the road, of signs in other languages! I mean seriously badass stuff! Even the gear shift, windshield wipers and turn signals are on the wrong side!

I entertain him, provide the snacks, and keep a lookout. Our iPhones do the mapping.

Anyway, we had a scramble to get the rental car after a LONG day of flights, and it was dark by the time we finally got to our place. We rent a lot from Airbnb. I could write a book on it, renting or hosting. BOY do I have a lot to say!

The place I found for us was okay. Not great. It was in a pretty good spot, the best feature of which was across a road to the ocean. The road was noisy, and we were above a restaurant–NOT IDEAL. But we were not hanging in the apartment and decided to make the best of it. 

There was a cluster of rocks off the shore that looked fun to explore but the tide was high most of the day for the first few days we were there. 

We went to lunch on the beach finally when the tide was out and went to explore the rocks, now accessible. I was poking around behind Glenn when he said, “What’s that? I think it’s an octopus. Yep. It’s an octopus.”

I couldn’t believe an octopus would just hang around like that, so exposed! But sure enough, when I got to where Glenn was standing and looked into the tide pool, there was a large octopus scooting along, moving its tentacles under rocks, looking for lunch. 

I had stepped into the pool and froze, so I wouldn’t spook him. 

He slipped under some rocks and I lost view of him until a thin tentacle, gently touched my ankle and then slipped around like an anklet. 

You must know that octopuses are one of my favorite sea creatures. I am ALWAYS looking for them on any snorkel or dive we do. We have a couple of friends who know how to find them and gain their trust, but I have not perfected that yet. To have this one just reach out to connect with me was so incredibly amazing, I gave a twitch, and he let go and moved on. We watched him for a few more minutes until he slipped back out to sea.

The beaches on Crete are so worth the efforts to get there, many are off windy mountainous roads so the scenery is spectacular. Olive groves everywhere.

The Italians and the Greeks seem to plant olive trees wherever they can. Even if it’s one or two, every plot of land has olive trees. 

They can pick and weigh their own olives to take to a bigger oil producing farm and sell their crop. Or of course they can make their own and it seems like everyone does! And they ALL say theirs is the best! It’s actually pretty cute.

I think there is something in the Mediterranean water and air that makes the people just HAVE to brag about their food, wine, animals, parties, you name it. In Turkey we heard how the Turkish baklava was far superior and of course when we were on Crete… you guessed it, Greeks INVENTED baklava! So of course theirs was better. I actually liked the Turkish better. But the Greek wine was SO much better. Turkish wine is… well. If you can’t say anything nice…

The food WAS fantastic. It was also fantastic in Turkey. 

Okay, I meant to make this post about something else entirely! 

We found some incredible places on Crete, to hike or drive to. There was an amphitheater we really wanted to visit because well, it was a THEATRE!

And it was delightful. 

I kept hearing the “baahhhhs” of goats or sheep on the other side of an overgrown fence, covered in brush and prickly shrubs. For some reason I really needed to see those animals.

So on our way out we walked up a very rough dirt road, listening to the “baahs” and bells. I thought for sure they had to be goats.

After a few minutes we could see sheep in the little trees and scrub. Finally, we came to a gate large enough for a big vehicle and there were dozens of ewes and their very tiny lambs! 

I was astonished and completely charmed. When I was tiny, my parents rented a farmhouse in central Illinois. There were a LOT of sheep, one cow, some pigs and chickens. I used to climb into the lambing pens when the babies were tiny and the ewes were separated off to be sheared. For the day, the lambs were alone and cried constantly, so my little 4 or 5 year old self would climb into the pen through split rails to comfort as many as I could . I absolutely loved those lambs.

To see them now brought an unexpected powerful joy.

Then, a miracle happened. A TEENSY new baby stood unsteadily from the place she was sleeping under a bench. She was bawling loudly for her momma and came right to the fence. Then, she just slipped right through!

She hugged my leg and cried. So I picked her up, worried for her, and when I held her to my face she started to lick me frantically. She was hungry and needed her momma but no ewe came for her.

I have some pictures Glenn took, but none captured what was going on in my heart. I kept putting her back into the paddock and she kept popping back through the inadequate fencing.

Glenn and I were trying to figure out what to do. 

Finally, I opened the gate and walked inside the enclosure and put her more deeply in amongst the ewes hoping her momma would realize her baby was needing her. The other ewes pushed her away and she kept crying. 

Then, she saw me again. Glenn said, “Come on! Run!”

And we did scoot away but I was so worried about her. Logically I knew her momma was around and would care for her, or the farmer would. But I also dreaded her fate. I could hear her bawling, and kept looking back over my shoulder. She didn’t come back into the road, and hopefully her momma was there with her.

I do cherish the memory of how she felt, so soft, and how she snuggled to me. She smelled sweet too. My heart.

To have these two animal encounters in a short span of days was mindblowing for me. These were iconic creatures for me! And they both went to me! Usually Glenn is the animal whisperer. On all our adventures, only 3 animals have preferred ME. 

The last one is MUCH much larger.

I start talking about them in the June Magazine, but I may need to do another article.

Stay tuned!

Member result of the month

We recently had our Wake Up With Me Challenge where we went through 5 days of morning routines with attendees to help tackle the day and skyrocket their success! Here’s what one of our members had to say about it:

“This was a great week!

  • I liked that this was a short duration class—just 5 days. Sometimes it’s hard to commit to a longer time period but 5-7 days is doable.
  • It was nice to get some healthy morning habits. Starting the day with water is one I’ve been working on.
  • I love the meditations but I usually can’t make the Monday ones* because it’s an hour in the middle of my work day. So this short version was nice.”

-Halley S.

*Monday Meditations are our live, weekly meditations we do in our Magical Living community. You can learn more about that here!

We’re doing another live challenge soon called Sidewalk Oracles: Finding Your Next Right Step. Learn more about that here!

Stay in touch!

Keep in touch with me on social media by clicking the icons below to view my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. There’s lots going on, so make sure to follow/subscribe and say hi!





Follow my Quest Retreats accounts for travel updates and more!





Would you like a personal message for you or a friend from me? I’d love to send you one! A Voice Mail message, Special Occasion message, greeting or just a hello.

Image of Pat.

After payment you’ll be able to send Pat an email with your requested message. Pat will shoot a video recorded up to 2 minutes (or so) message for you or your recipient. You can use the video or audio or both.

Click here to get a personal message from me!

Sidewalk Oracles: Finding Your Next Right Step

Walk With Me!

🪶 Are you afraid of making a wrong step?
🪶 Do you know you need to make a move but unsure of the direction to go?
🪶 Are there days when you just feel so stuck?
🪶 Do you crave some clarity around questions you can’t seem to resolve?
🪶 Would you love to have more heartfulness in your days?

Then please join me for

Sidewalk Oracles: Finding Your Next Right Step

I am going to show you a simple process, think of it as a quest, to use ANYTIME you want more answers. You’ll practice with me, in real time, and find answers along the way.

This is NOT a religious practice but a way of reaching deeper clarity in yourself. 

YOU HAVE access to answers! Life can get in the way. So let’s work with the life around us and let the answers reveal themselves!

The Sidewalk Oracles Challenge is a fun and practical way to reconnect with the higher knowing you already have, your inner guidance system.

Walk With Me! It’s 4 days LIVE with Patricia Tallman leading you through a simple process to Find Your Next Right Step.

Join us September 4th-7th at 8am Pacific Time. Replays available!

Sign up and read more: 

Please Share, Like and Comment and win prizes! Tag us on IG and FB /patriciatallmanpage and the hashtags #magicalliving #patriciatallmansmagicalliving 

Who is Patricia Tallman?

You can learn more about me here!

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Patricia, founder of Magical Living

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